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  • Welcome to the Gigi Blog!

    Mother to six Little Women and Two Little Men. Married to a Happy Mortician. Caretaker to goats, chickens and many, MANY bunnies. Photographer. Homeschooler. Lover of Jesus, coffee & tea and all things pink & vintage.

Sing, Sing, Sing

“If you want a lift to your mood, raise a song up to the Father.”
-Amish Proverb


Amongst the busy-ness and regular noises of life, the sounds of chaotic strumming streamed down the hallway into my kitchen. Soon afterwards, the stubby little music maker followed, strumming his tiny guitar with great emotion and feeling. This little boy was truly enjoying himself as he made “music” this morning.

“Sing mommy,” my three year old demanded, as he sat on the kitchen stool, propped his little guitar against his knee and strummed away happily.  His stubby fingers held a quarter which he used with great zeal for his guitar pick.


My mind was busy – there is so much to think about and ponder over right now, isn’t there? — I was mixing up a recipe – and my thoughts were elsewhere … {aren’t we all thinking heavy thoughts at the beginning of this year?}

“You just play, honey, you play and I will work,” I replied, as I sifted out the flour required for the baking. I wiped my hands on my apron and turned around to retrieve some more ingredients from my stocked kitchen pantry.

“I will only play when you sing,” the little boy declared, furrowing his brown and eyeing me with a determined look. “Sing. Sing!”

Realizing this little man meant what he said, I reluctantly agreed …

“Okay, I’ll sing,” I replied, smiling at the little one while trying to think of a song that would fit with his unusual ‘chord’ patterns.


It was not long before the sounds of the guitar brought out my other son — soon, both of my sweet boys were ‘strumming’ {with a coin as a pick} together, filling the room with their innocent voices and interesting style of music. Their song of choice was “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”  My, their adorable singing warmed my heart and brought a big smile to my face!



Together, in that kitchen filled with flour and the smell of homemade bread baking, we lifted up our voices and our un-tuned instruments in praise to God.

And immediately, I felt better.  I felt securely drawn back into my safe world created within the walls of our home … a feeling of peace and joy radiated through my soul as I watched the tiny boys sing to a Mighty King.

Lifting up our imperfect voices and scratchy, un-tuned music together was like a healthy balm for my weary soul.

My heart was light. My thoughts about the outside world vanished.
I only needed to sing to the Father.

It is no wonder that our Lord directed His people to sing …


 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning:
for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Psalm 59:16

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.
Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

James 15:3





I remember reading about interesting singing facts in a book, such as singing is a natural anti depressant. How fascinating!

Here is a simple list to encourage you to sing with your children:

                  Singing Benefits:

  1. Boosts your immune system.
  2. Releases stress.
  3. Benefits your heart.
  4. Increases your energy.
  5. Improves your memory.
  6. Fosters clear thinking through correct breathing.

Our family absolutely loves to join in with other families for hymn sings. It is amazing how an hour of singing beautiful hymns can be so uplifting in so many ways. Everyone enjoys it, even the little children. We all look forward to our hymn sings! And apparently, there is a good reason we all enjoy our group hymn sings, as listed here. Yes, that says group singing lowers your stress hormone and alleviates anxiety and stress.  Singing together lessens the feeling of depression and loneliness. Isn’t that wonderful?!

When is the last time you sang in a group? Have you ever hosted a hymn sing in our home?

Please … raise up your voice and sing … it will be a healing balm to your soul. And if you visit our home, don’t be surprised if we pass out the stack of old hymnals for a group sing together.




February 12, 2021 - 12:14 pm

Diane Love these pictures! Your boys are adorable, and I love the overalls! Music is is one of the best things to learn in life, that they can still do someday in their old age.

February 8, 2021 - 11:19 pm

Teresa Your post reminded me of one of my favorite Bible verse: **Ephesians 5:19 (kjv) Speaking to yourselves Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; A lovely post ~ take care and stay warm!!

February 2, 2021 - 8:30 pm

Lynnea Just the sweet, gentle reminder I needed…as soon as I finished reading this I got out our hymnal and sang ~ and the burdens rolled away……blessed peace.

February 1, 2021 - 5:54 pm

Gramma Cardinal Love ir! Will send Auntie a pic! xxxxxxxxxxx

January 30, 2021 - 5:53 pm

Gigi Kim, I’m so glad it was encouraging. God bless you.

January 30, 2021 - 2:45 pm

kim I needed every word you shared today! Thank you so much for that encouragement. <3

~ The Cost of a Baby ~

‘How much do babies cost?’ said he
The other night upon my knee;
And then I said: ‘They cost a lot;


A lot of watching by a cot,
A lot of sleepless hours and care,
A lot of heartache and despair,
A lot of fear and trying dread,
And sometimes many tears are shed
In payment for our babies small,
But every one is worth it all.

‘For babies people have to pay
A heavy price from day to day-
There is no way to get one cheap.

Why, sometimes when they’re fast asleep
You have to get up in the night
And go and see that they’re all right.

But what they cost in constant care
And worry, does not half compare
With what they bring of joy and bliss…
You’d pay much more for just a kiss.

‘Who buys a baby has to pay
A portion of the bill each day;
He has to give his time and thought
Unto the little one he’s bought …

He has to stand a lot of pain
Inside his heart and not complain;
And pay with lonely days and sad
For all the happy hours he’s had.

All this a baby costs, and yet
His smile is worth it all, you bet.’
~ Edgar Albert Guest

January 29, 2021 - 6:26 pm

Gigi Love you, Grandma! xxoo

January 29, 2021 - 6:16 pm

Gigi Thank you, Regina!!! He’s such a blessing to our family!

January 29, 2021 - 6:15 pm

Gigi Thank you! 🙂 Hugs!!

January 29, 2021 - 6:15 pm

Gigi I love Luther, too! 😉

January 29, 2021 - 6:14 pm

Gigi Linda, that is so neat! Lovelyn just received three letters from Lily in a span of seven days – I think the mail system was backlogged. So, please tell Lily that Lovelyn’s letter is on it’s way (as of Monday). God bless you!

January 25, 2021 - 4:34 am

Linda Oh my word he’s got to be the cutest little boy !! Oh and my daughter Katie keeps wanting me to tell you that I am Lily’s nana (who Loelyn) writes to – penpal. Katie keeps saying “Have you told that to Gigi in a comment mum” and I keep forgetting, so now you know. Blessings to you 🙂 (Lily is always super excited when she gets a new letter !!) x ~ Nana Linda

January 23, 2021 - 2:17 am

Brenda Clair (Gigi’s Mom) So sweet xo I love the poem and I love Luther too. xo

January 21, 2021 - 9:08 pm

Monica He is so cute!!

January 18, 2021 - 6:04 pm

Lynnea Precious boy! Beautiful photos! Sweet memories to cherish! ❤️

January 18, 2021 - 4:34 pm

TERESA@ SF Awwww, yes babies and children are priceless. What a handsome little guy he is!

January 18, 2021 - 2:58 pm

Gramma Cardinal Such a handsome boy! He has your hair! x

January 17, 2021 - 11:03 am

Regina Shea What a beautiful poem! I love it and what a sweet baby. I want to come up there and give him a big fat kiss. Those cheeks!

Keep Sunday Special

“People still really value their time together and make use of it.
Sundays are a precious resource and one that needs to be safeguarded and protected.”

-John Ashcroft


Do you keep Sunday’s special for your family?

Although stores are now open on Sunday and most have forgotten this day for its Christian roots (and yes, I know Saturday is the Sabbath day, but in North America, Sunday has been reserved for church goings), I have always wanted to preserve the dignity of Sunday for our family.  It has been a challenge for us, as my husband’s workplace is never closed – being a mortician, he is always on call and must go when needed. For years, we struggled with keeping Sunday special and reserved for rest and worship. Thankfully, the Lord is blessing my husband’s choice to stay home on Sunday  for rarely is he called in to work on Sundays over the past few years.


“I think it is absolutely crucial that we slow down,
that we don’t keep running at the same speed,
on the same treadmill, seven days a week, 365 days a year.”
– Relationships Foundation interview 



This is the day we go to church and worship our Lord.

This is the day we spend as a family – sometimes just among ourselves or sometimes with extended family.

This is the day we can invite friends over for fellowship or a hymn sing.

This is also the day we bake a special dessert …


Quite a few years ago, I implemented the idea of each girl taking a Sunday to bake something special for the day. Now it is only natural and part of our regular routine to, on Saturday, ensure we have a plan — and a recipe — for Sunday’s dessert.


I would say, yes, it is a tradition to have a special dessert prepared for Sunday. It changes the day, slightly, and elevates it to a higher level, especially for those little ones whose eyes light up at that chocolate cake sitting temptingly on the kitchen counter. Awaiting the end of the Sunday meal, everyone knows tea time will come and we will indulge in a lovely sweet treat. Having this wonderful dessert also aids in hospitality: if someone decides to visit or pop by for tea, we have something delicious ready to serve.

Is it fair to say it is one of the highlights for Sunday? Yes, I think that is fair to say.

On this particular Sunday, the girls choose to make peanut butter icing and decorate the cake with chocolate chips and peanuts.

Or try it with walnuts and regular chocolate icing … just as delicious!


Since we loved this cake so much, I decided to use it as a prepared mix for the pantry. Today, I am sharing the recipe with you, so you may add it to your pantry and Sunday menu.

Nothing pulls a family — and friends — together like a delicious frosted chocolate cake.


And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:
because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Genesis 2:30


Chocolate Cake Make Ahead Mix


Delicious with Peanut butter frosting/drizzle!

Decorate with peanuts!


For the cake mix:
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt

In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda,
and salt until very well combined. Store in glass jars in your pantry so they are ready to use on Sunday.

To make the cake:

2 eggs, at room temperature
1 cup milk, at room temperature
1/2 cup light vegetable oil, such as sunflower or safflower
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup boiling water

In a large bowl, blend in the eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla.  Gradually stir in the boiling water until the batter is well-combined. You may bake in whatever shape of pan you wish – I like to use a bundt pan, but this week, we also used a round cake pan.  Bake at 350 until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Frost when cooled!

I will forever keep Sunday’s special – first, for the gathering of the saints.

And second, for the chocolate cake, cooling on the counter.


P.S. Make sure to visit on Sunday! The tea is on and the cake is ready!

‘But actually what we are chipping away is family time.
If there is not one day of the week to sit around the table with family,
what kind of a family are you?’
 – Matthew Wright


January 15, 2021 - 1:54 pm

Monica I love this! I’ll be on over! 😉

January 12, 2021 - 4:10 pm

Erin Lynn I like how you make Sunday a special day of honoring the Lord, and a day to look forward to for your children!

January 11, 2021 - 9:50 pm

Bethany Looks delicious!

The Simple Life {New Year}



And suddenly, it is 2021 – a new year.

As the freshy fallen snow lays around us, covering our world in a beautiful blanket of white, this new year is spread before us. Yet, before we embrace the new year, let us thank God for the blessings of the old year … yes, there were painful trials and refinement through fire, but God is still on the throne and He carries us through every chapter of our lives.

Our blessings were wonderful to recount, as we said farewell to 2020 and welcomed the new year of 2021.


… our little baby boy, born in March, safely at home … our ninth baby and treasured blessing …

… a husband whose health suddenly shocked us all this year, frightening our family and wondering what the future would hold … but God took care of him and I still thank God, daily, for allowing us another day, another week, another year together…

… nine beautiful blessings that I call my children … blessed beyond measure … my cup overfloweth …

… a safe and secure home in the country where we can raise food and vegetables, grow and gather, explore and create … wonderful memories are made daily …… a simple life that that keeps my hands busy, my heart full and my body healthy …

… the family of God … [you can shut down churches and you can shut down the world —  but you cannot shut down the church family} … a good reminder to stay true to those friends and family who are walking that Straight and Narrow Pathway.

Happy New Year, friends.

Remember … God is still on the Throne.



“Here is a good New Year’s resolution for us all to make:
To simplify our lives as much as possible,
to overcome that feeling of haste by remembering that there are just as many hours in the day as ever,
and that there is time enough for the things that matter if time is rightly used.
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
January 12, 2021 - 4:28 pm

Lynnea It is such a blessing, Gigi, to see and know that you and your family are all doing well. This picture is beautiful with all the sweetness, cheerfulness, and brightness!
God is so GOOD!
That quote by Laura I. Wilder is a good reminder… of things I want to aspire to each day!

January 9, 2021 - 6:57 pm

Wendy I enjoy reading about your family adventures. I was a homeschooling mother for years & am now a full-time 3rd grade teacher. It is a blessing to know that there are families out there that desire to parent with wisdom & raise up Godly children.

January 9, 2021 - 1:05 am

TERESA@ SF Lovely post ~ thankful your husband is on the mends. I am also grateful for all His many blessings! May the church roll on in our hearts! God is so good and He will go before us and keep us in His hands. Hugs to you!!!

January 8, 2021 - 4:53 pm

Erin Lynn I am so sorry your husband has not been well. Praying for his health and for blessings on all of your beautiful family.

January 8, 2021 - 1:07 pm

Ruthie Gigi,it’s been wonderful to rejoice with your family at the birth of your 9th and to learn from you as you share willingly of your love for the Lord and all things to support home. I’m sad to learn of your husband’s health scare and am praying. We know what that’s like and can relate to what you’re going through. Thankyou for the encouragement you bring to us all.❤

January 5, 2021 - 10:23 pm

Brenda Clair (Gigi’s Mom) We all have so many blessings to be thankful for. And you and your precious family are one that I am so grateful for. Love you xoxo

January 5, 2021 - 6:14 pm

Michelle I am sorry to hear of your husbands health scare, but praise the Lord you all have made it through this trying time! I hope things are better!! Thank you for this post, again my heart’s desire is to have a more simpler life for me and my family. So much hustle and bustle in the world, especially with the technology world. It seems to be taking over! It would do me good to be more simple. Thank you and take care Gigi, you and your family!! May God continue to bless you and use you in a great way!!

January 5, 2021 - 2:33 pm

Gigi No, Sam, I did not post anything about it. I found it very challenging to work through – some things are just hard. Right? I hope you are doing well in your motherhood journey! Happy New Year to you, too!

January 5, 2021 - 11:10 am

Sam Hi Gigi,
I am sorry to hear your husband had a health scare this year. Did you post about it? I didn’t hear anything. Hoping all is well now 🙂 Happy New Year!

Solitary as {Eagle-Men}

The one who will fly, as an eagle does,
into the higher levels where cloudless sky abides,
and live in the sunshine of God,
must be content to live a comparatively lonely life.”
– Streams in the Desert






The air was still as the day began to fade ever so gently beneath the far, distant treeline of majestic maples, birch and walnut trees.

A golden-pinkish glow spread across the slumbering field. Stepping out from our warm kitchen to gather some carrots from our back patio – stored there for a short time this winter – I looked across the quiet field and noticed my 10 year old daughter, wandering through the stillness. Over the quietness of the early evening, I could hear her beautiful, childlike voice, singing a happy tune as her chilled hands brushed against the dry stalks of grass. The wind gently whistled through the naked branches of the tree, seemingly accompanying her in whistful tones.

Childhood at it’s finest … I thought, as I gathered up a bowl full of stubby carrots. So lovely …

Watching her cross the field, it was so glorious and peaceful … it brought me back to my own childhood where I spent hours wandering the fields, watching field mice, spending time alone and reading my favourite books, nestled in a cove of  dried grasses. Often, I would stop and daydream at my favorite rock — a large boulder, which I fondly named “Dew Drop” in the middle of the field. For obvious reasons, the large grey rock was too monumental for the farmer to move– thus, I found it a pretty little spot to, alone and away from my family,  stop and sing hymns and songs as a praise to God.  One particular warm Autumn afternoon, as I was singing in the field, I was startled to hear movement in the grasses. Looking towards the back of the field, I spotted a beautiful, grey-ish deer, approaching me. She eyed me cautioysly as I watched her graceful movements, and yet, she did not appear afraid – I often wondered why my singing did not startle her and cause her to run before I even noticed her. Her creature visit was a little gift from God, I felt, as I watched the beautiful deer eventually bound away without fright or fear.


Now, years later, I can see my own children following in my footsteps into the fields of imagination, quiet and stillness. We all need such quiet in our lives – especially in a busy large-family household — and in this very noisy world.

Chilled but encouraged by the vision of my daughter, I returned to the kitchen to finish preparing our evening meal. A few minuets later, breathless, with pink flushed cheeks and her dirty blonde hair tousled from the December wind, my 10 year old rushed through the back door of our farm house.




“Mommy! I was walking home and singing … and I looked up and there was a bald eagle flying right over my head!” she exclaimed. Her brown eyes were sparkling and her sweet mouth was turned into a spreading joyous smile.

“It flew right over me!” she gushed.


Sharing in her joy, I inquired about the eagle … was it young or old? … which direction was it flying? … and as she chattered with excitement, my thoughts returned to my morning devotions …



“No bird is as solitary as the eagle.
Eagles never fly in flocks; one, or at most two, ever being seen at once.
But the life that is lived unto God,
however it forfeits human companionships, knows divine fellowship.
God seeks eagle-men.
No man ever comes into the realization of the best things of God,
who does not, upon the Godward side of his life,
learn to walk alone with God.

Let God isolate us.
God knows how to change the circumstance
in order to give us an isolating experience.
We yield to God and He takes us through something,
and when it is over, those about us, who are no less loved than before,
are no longer depended upon.
We must dare to be alone.”
– Streams of the Desert



How good and gentle our Lord is … reminding me, ever so patiently, to be still, quiet and alone … in serving Him, we will find ourselves isolated, sometimes the only one – so it seems – to be walking this particular path. However, being separate and removed from the fuss and noise of the world can be used for good– it can bring us closer and fully reliant on Him.

As my daughter rushed off to tell her siblings of her beautiful sighting, I remained alone, in that warm, cozy-smelling kitchen, and whispered up my thanks to the Gentle Shepherd who so lovingly cares.

Lord, Let me be isolated — in you.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31


December 30, 2020 - 6:02 pm

Brenda (Gillian’s Momma) This gave me goosebumps, Gillian xo

December 30, 2020 - 9:02 am

Gigi Teresa, yes, I have heard of that and have tried it myself. I cannot do all our flour/oats, etc. however, as our product amount is so much! If I had a smaller family, I think I would be more prone to do so – right now, I store all those dry goods in big food-safe buckets. But yes, it makes perfect sense to dry can such goods!

December 29, 2020 - 5:27 pm

TERESA@ SF Gigi, Absolutely beautiful! Your words has such a peaceful tone to them. I wasn’t able to comment on the last post, but I wanted to share with you what kind of canning I love doing in the winter. It is called dry canning. I dry can flour, rice, oats, pasta, coffee, cocoa and so on. Anything that has 10% or less of moister in it.
Have you heard of this?

Hugs! Teresa

December 26, 2020 - 7:34 pm

Gigi Lynnea, my heart is encouraged to know this little note spoke to you during your life walk. Yes, far too often, it can feel so lonely to be isolated from the world or even from other Christians who may be walking a different pathway, and yet, we are to find our joy and rest and strength in Him. We are never alone and for that, I am truly thankful. I will be praying for you, Lynnea. ((hugs))

December 26, 2020 - 7:19 pm

Lynnea Thank you so much for sharing this ~ it is just what I needed.

“How good and gentle our Lord is … reminding me, ever so patiently, to be still, quiet and alone … in serving Him, we will find ourselves isolated, sometimes the only one – so it seems – to be walking this particular path. However, being separate and removed from the fuss and noise of the world can be used for good– it can bring us closer and fully reliant on Him.”

~ I love everything about this post ~ it touched my heart with comfort, joy, peace, and hope. For over three years now, I have been in the very place you speak of in the words written above…and they are a comforting reminder that I am not alone on this path, even though it is a different, “particular” path for me.

~ I love all the quotes you shared, as well as reading about the joyful, awesome experience of your daughter’s encounter with the lone eagle and the wonder of it all, as captured in the beautiful photos.

My heart also prays…”Lord, Let me be isolated ~ in You”.
With love, in Christ Jesus ~ Lynnea