Category Archives: Homemade is Best

The Family Vegetable Garden

“Earning happiness means doing good and working, not speculating and being lazy. Laziness may look inviting, but only work gives you true satisfaction.” ~ Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl         It’s early summer morning at our little homestead on Prince Edward Island … where will you find us? While many […]

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The Cost of Living

The Old-Time Family It makes me smile to hear ’em tell each other nowadays The burdens they are bearing, with a child or two to raise. Of course the cost of living has gone soaring to the sky And our kids are wearing garments that my parents couldn’t buy. Now my father wasn’t wealthy, but […]

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The Humble Baguette

To me, there’s no better smell than the aroma of fresh baked homemade bread. I love making bread. And that’s a good thing because in our family, we need at least two loaves a day! When I was a little girl, I remember my mom saying how I could live on bread alone. My mother […]

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Now Is the Time – Get Your House in Order

“It has occurred to me that I am only doing what every housewife did as a matter of course only a generation or two ago. She always preserved food for the coming year as it came into season and bulk-purchased staples such as sugar and vinegar. Our grandmothers did this not because they were paranoid, […]

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The Provision Room; 2022

 “Food security is not in the supermarket. It’s not in the government. It’s not at the emergency services division. True food security is the historical normalcy of packing it in during the abundant times, building that in-house larder, and resting easy knowing that our little ones are not dependent on next week’s farmers’ market or […]

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