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  • Welcome to the Gigi Blog!

    Mother to six Little Women and Two Little Men. Married to a Happy Mortician. Caretaker to goats, chickens and many, MANY bunnies. Photographer. Homeschooler. Lover of Jesus, coffee & tea and all things pink & vintage.

Don’t Waste a Bean

‘Build houses and live in them;
and plant gardens and eat their produce.

Jeremiah 29:5

Bent low, my fingers searched the leafy green bean plant for the fruit of our labour… my young son, only 4, was helping me pick beans that morning.

“Don’t waste any beans – find them all,” I told him, encouragingly.

This year, we are growing Italian beans, bush beans (green and yellow) and scarlet runner beans. It is nice to have such a variety in beans.

Across the garden, several children were picking fat ripe peppers – which were to be cut up and used for salsa and spaghetti sauce, not to mention eating straight from the plant as a midday snack.

One daughter was also collecting seeds from a flower that had past its prime already. Last year, the same young lady saved trays of seeds from her flower collection — thus, expanding her garden section to her own physical garden, shared with her sister. It has been beautiful to see them work together to create their floral display.

We have saved our sunflower seeds from previous years  – why not save other flower seeds? This spring, there was a substantial seed shortage in some areas. It only seems prudent to save as many seeds as we can this year with anticipation of things to come for 2021.

{saving pea seeds}

My thoughts wandered to the previous years in the garden when I would encourage the girls to pick everything that we could eat.

“Pretend it is the Great Depression. We need every bean,” I would often say, as they picked through the bushes.

{bee balm; also called bergamot}

Never would I guess that we would be heading into such a year as 2020 has played out to be. Who would have thought this year would be such an uneasy and shaky season for North America? In fact, just this week, I was warned of a looming  food shortage for the fall and winter months. Is that possible? We surely live in unstable times right now … and I would not be prudent if I did not take extra care and caution to prepare our household for such a possibility. I have all the hundreds of jars I need, the food is growing just outside my door, I have the canning lids (pre-ordered earlier this year from a bulk company – I knew I would not want to go out to the dollar store to pick up canning lids), and I have all the equipment. This year, I know many friends have purchased canning equipment and are re-thinking the way they look at the food storage for their own family. I have offered my daughters and I to a few friends to help out their ‘putting up’ sessions. Despite a possible food shortage, it is always beneficial to learn how to preserve and store your own food for your family. It is a skill you need to pass on to the next generation and the younger mothers, who are just learning how to manage a family. {Friends, if there is anything I can do to help you out on this journey, let me know. I would be happy to help!}

While I don’t know what the future holds, I do know who holds the future.

{Any beans that are too big  for eating will be saved for seeds}

{Canning tip: put your canning jar on it’s side and you will find it a bit easier to place your beans inside.}

Truthfully, my  food preservation work load has not changed too much from previous years, as this is something we have always done since moving to the country. We grow our vegetables and we preserve them. It is good to be prudent and stock up on the food that I can grow or attain. Already we have put away so much into our Provision Room … canned beans, pickled beans, blueberries, jams and preserves, corn (frozen and canned), tomato sauce, pizza sauce, salsa, beef soup, taco soup, cucumber relish, strawberry jam …


There is more to come. The beets are bursting out of the soil and are crying to be picked. The beautiful heads of green leafy cabbages are ready to harvest. Potatoes are ready to be discovered hiding in their brown earthen beds.  The ruddy rutabagas are round and lovely – maybe they will wait a few more weeks before I will pick them. The onions are drying in the wood shed, along with hundreds of garlic bundled up and strung to dry. (My 16 year old is selling our organic garlic this year as her high school job – is anyone interested in purchasing locally grown garlic? Just send me a message.) We did struggle with the tomatoes this year and while there is a harvest coming and tomatoes ripening as we speak, I was afraid there would not be enough – we were blessed to purchase organic tomatoes from a farmer to help us fill out the extra need.

But still … the benefits of a garden are wonderful …

In our garden, we are growing rutabagas and turnips. I happened to go to the grocery store this week – (the first time in four months) – and noticed the price on rutabagas – $5 each! There are about 20 rutabagas (which is a cross between a cabbage and a turnip) growing in their row – that $100 in savings and also one rutabaga a week for our family to eat.

Once we pulled up our garlic patch, it made room for a second start up of seeds – so we replanted another row of rutabaga, carrots, beans and peas. I am praying it grows in time and I can harvest before the frost.

{New rows of vegetables – extending the growing season into phase 2 … a second ‘wave’  for our garden}

Tonight, we will have a vegetable-based dinner, with all food straight from the garden that is growing just outside my kitchen door. Tomorrow, I will be making a vegetable minestrone soup for pressure canning … yes, the soup making time has arrived, as well.

This winter, we will still be eating our own vegetables and will be so thankful for all that God provided in the garden harvest. Today, however, we have work to do.

Don’t waste the beans.


By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear,
prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world,
and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
Hebrews 11:7 –


Here is a link for you, giving great instructions for pressure canning beans. It is very simple to do, however you need a pressure canner.

How to pressure can beans:


September 6, 2020 - 3:35 pm

Gigi Kim, thank you. You are an inspiration to my girls and I!
I have written out the taco soup recipe on the next blog post.

August 31, 2020 - 9:08 am

Kim Robbins Gillian you are such an inspiration to young and older women. Your gardens are amazing. Can you share your taco soup recipe.

August 29, 2020 - 10:19 pm

Ruthie Thankyou, Gigi! That rutabaga recipe sounds delicious! I’ll have to find some and give it a go. ❤

August 27, 2020 - 11:19 am

Michelle Thank you again for your encouragement Gigi. I need guidance in my life. I have been so undisciplined in my life and my family’s life for so long. It’s going to take a lot of work to turn things around. My undisciplined life shows up in my children. I will talk a good talk, but then don’t DO anything to follow. Instead of seeking the Lord and crying out to HIM, I seem to look elsewhere first instead of the other way around. It should be Him first and He will show me what to DO and when. But your points are great, I just need to do it!! Please pray for me, I have failed miserably and I need a change in my life. Thanks for lending a listening ear and giving encouraging words/advice to lift me up!! Again, your blog has been such a BLESSING in my life!! Have a blessed rest of your day!!!

August 26, 2020 - 4:54 pm

Gigi Michelle – I understand it is a lot to do for one person. I would suggest a few things …
1) Get up earlier and go to bed on time. Hopefully, you can get the bookwork done early with a fresh mind.
2) Use your time wisely. Avoid any outside engagements that take you from the home too often. It sounds like you are in a chapter of life that will require 100% of your time and dedication. After God, your family is your first priority.
3) Try to be organized with schooling so that is leaves your afternoons free to do your homemaking chores/from scratch living that you are attempting to bring into your routine.
I hope that helps. Motherhood — especially one with homeschooling, helping husband, baking, creating, cooking, growing — takes a lot of energy – however, with the Lord’s strength, you can fulfill your role. We cannot do it alone; only with God’s help and provision.

August 26, 2020 - 11:07 am

Michelle I also was wandering if I could get some advice. I also take care of the bookkeeping work for my husband’s businesses. So with that added too trying to learn/do more things toward living more “simply” makes it more challenging plus homeschooling and every day life. Any ideas on how to help?? I think i need a GOOD schedule. Thank you in advance!! I want to keep a good attitude with it all as well!!

August 25, 2020 - 11:15 am

Michelle Thank you Teresa. I have went back and read SO MUCH on her blog. It is such a blessing!! I am so excited, but I must put my talk to work and DO! I must be careful to guard my time looking too much though because I will neglect what I need to do spending my time looking but it is so helpful and encouraging. I think I better set a certain time frame to look and then stop. Thanks so much!!

August 24, 2020 - 9:30 pm

Teresa Gigi, your garden is beautiful~ can’t wait to see your provision room once all your canning is finished. A note to Michelle ~ read Gigi back post you will find a wealth of info and encouragement! I plan to visit them again this fall! Take care sweet friend!

August 23, 2020 - 5:07 am

Gigi Great advice, Monica. I would say the same thing about my husband. Our lifestyle change happened, not on his prodding, but on my natural instinct to bring things back to the basics, from scratch, growing our own food, etc. desire in my own heart. I’m sure our husbands appreciate the hard work but they are not the force behind the “simple old fashioned” living values.

August 23, 2020 - 5:05 am

Gigi Ruthie, my sister showed me a great dish – you slice them up and cover them with cheese and bake them. Oh, it was so good! All of my children just loved it! I forget the name of the recipe, but I’m sure if I find it, I will post it here for you. Rutabagas are such an old fashioned type of food – no one uses them anymore unless you eat locally or seasonally or grow them yourself.

August 22, 2020 - 4:50 pm

Michelle Thank you again Gigi for your wonderful blog and for sharing so much encouraging things. And thank you Monica for your encouragement as well!! Very good advice. I am excited!! I want to do so much at one time, but I can’t and I don’t want to get overwhelmed or “grouchy” with trying to do too much or trying to learn because of not knowing how. I need to make some purchases to have some things to get started, but again it can be overwhelming. I do want to do this!! So pray for me ladies, if you will that I will do what the Lord would have me do at the right times with the know how to do it and using the GREAT information from both of your blogs can help me. Thank you both so much, I sure appreciate it!!!

August 22, 2020 - 2:09 pm

Ruthie Dear Gigi,
Everything looks so delicious! I love beans fresh from the garden. I remember eating rutabagas as a child, but how do you fix them? There is something so satisfying in knowing where your food comes from and how it was prepared. I think it can also cultivate (no pun intended) a greater sense of thankfulness to the Lord in providing, which you certainly have done with your children.

August 21, 2020 - 5:10 pm

Monica Gorgeous garden and beautiful photography–what a great blessing your garden will be and is to your lovely family! The hard work truly does pay off.

If I may encourage Michelle just from my own experience…my husband really doesn’t care if I am frugal or not (live simply, etc) and mostly isn’t even aware that I hang our clothes out, make all food from scratch, make bread, etc. Most of these things I do while he’s at work and I guess it’s become a part of us for so long that he doesn’t notice and he really doesn’t understand why I wouldn’t choose the easier route. I guess what I’m saying is can you live simply even if he doesn’t notice or if he doesn’t understand why you would want to? I’ll bet he will enjoy the electric bill being lower by your frugality. But, then again, he may not notice. (mine wouldn’t)…so I say unless he is directly opposed to your decisions to live simply, then go for it! He may not notice or encourage you (it can be discouraging when they don’t notice or show appreciation…sigh) in it (or even get on board with you) but you will be so blessing your family!

August 20, 2020 - 3:04 pm

Michelle Thank you again for your encouragement. We do a few things already such as a few things in our garden, I do can and freeze some. But after looking at your blog there is SO MUCH MORE I would like to do!! A lot of it, I don’t know how or not very familiar with. But I am so excited to do it!! My husband says it not a simpler life, it is harder and I think he doubts I can do it or that I don’t have time to do it. I do stay home for the most part and we homeschool, but I feel like we could make a lot of adjustments to help with this and I want my husband to be pleased with all of it and it not be that I am trying to run things. I just have this desire, I think from the Lord, to incorporate living, at least some, in the old paths. Thank you for listening and for all you have shared. I’m trying to space my time looking at your blog so I don’t take away from what I should be doing, but the blog is so good. I need to manage my time wisely. Thanks again!!

August 19, 2020 - 8:15 pm

Gigi Hello Michell — and welcome! It is so nice to hear that the blog has been a blessing to you.
In regards to learning different ways of living, I suppose it just became a necessity and part of the every day life. We knew food needed to be healthier, for a start, so that began a lot of from-scratch-living. Bread needed to be made, food needed to be prepared, gardens required planted… rolling up one’s sleeves and ‘just doing it’ is the best way to get things done.I suppose I have also eliminated a lot of extra activities in my life. I mostly stay at home, tending to the homefront.
And you are right – we can do nothing in ourselves. It is only through Christ’s strength that we can actually get through the day.

August 19, 2020 - 10:45 am

Michelle One thing I wanted to ask. How would one find the time to learn the “simpler” ways of living while taking care of her family and having every day tasks already? Balance the time, I guess I could ask? I know I must put God first and ask for His help, because I can’t do it. Thanks!!!

August 19, 2020 - 10:23 am

Michelle I found your blog recently and I just wanted to let you know it has been a REAL BLESSING to me. I am a wife of 26 years, mom to 5–ages 17 years to 2 years. I am looking to go back to “the old paths of living and helping my family, so your blog has encouraged me to do so. I have got a long way to go, but I pray with the Lord’s help, He can help me in every way!!! Thank you for sharing to encourage and help me!

Grow Your Own Food: Bachelor Button Tea

“If you are cold, tea will warm you;
if you are too heated, it will cool you;
If you are depressed, it will cheer you;
If you are excited, it will calm you.” 
~ William Ewart Gladstone



The full and wonderfully rich days of August are upon us. In between cuddling my sweet baby boy, my daughters and I have been busy gardening, harvesting, putting up foods for the winter and drying herbs. Rarely do we have a slow day in the summer. We try to reserve a few hours of rest and reading time in the afternoon – that keeps us all ready for the next task at hand.

Do you dry herbs or flowers from your garden? This month, I had read about drying herbs in your vehicle. What a great idea! (Just keep a window cracked slightly to encourage air flow.) Since I do not have a dehydrator (in my effort to use less appliances), I decided to try it out. For us, it worked out fantastic –  we rarely use our large family vehicle, with the exceptions of family outings. The hot, dry vehicle ended up being a great location for us to dry our herbs. [If you visit the van right now, you’d see a variety of trays, holding different petals and herbs from the garden. It is rather silly to see.]

This week, I dried most of my bachelor buttons, an old fashioned wildflower, which were growing in my herb garden and as borders around certain vegetable beds in the kitchen garden. Bachelor Buttons, in my humble opinion, do not receive enough attention from gardeners. They are delightful little daisy like flowers that will bloom for most of your summer in a variety of pinks, blues, white and purple hues.  Their unique name comes from the time when young bachelors would wear the flowers in their labels to alert others of their availability.


It was delightful tasks to gather the pretty dainty flowers with my flower-daughter, Lavender, knowing we would be using these lovely blooms for tea in the cooler months.


With so many flowers added into our vegetable garden, not to mention my daughter’s addition of their personal flower garden and the herb gardens, we have so many busy bees around us at all times. It is an absolute delight to garden with the gorgeous, hard working bees. I cannot wait to see the rich golden honey they will produce!

Here is a tray of dried flowers – after a week or so in the hot car. Every time I walked by the car, I would just rustle the flowers buds around a little bit to encourage the air flow.


While in a thrift store last year, my eldest daughter spotted this precious tea cups – featuring bachelor buttons! She has since tucked it into her Hope Chest. It was a beautiful find …


To use the Bachelor Button Tea, simply pour boiling hot water over your filled tea strainer. Enjoy with honey or just as it is – it’s a beautiful tea.

The benefits of Bachelor Button tea are many…

“The uses of Bachelor’s Button can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians and Greeks who used it for headaches, joint pain, stomach aches and fever.
It can also be used for migraines, as a slight sedative, dizziness, arthritis, colds, fevers, cramps, worms, menstrual cycle regulation, as an antiseptic, psoriasis, toothaches, insect bites, labor pain, infertility, asthma, allergies, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting.
A tea made of the leaves or flowers can be used for colic, colitis, indigestion, colds, arthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, alcoholism, flatulence, menstrual cramps and tendonitis.”
-Health Revelation


Isn’t it amazing how the flowers God has so beautifully decorated our planet also keeps us healthy? Our Heavenly Father surely has blessed us in so many ways … when you plant your gardens next year, do remember the humble Bachelor Button.


August 19, 2020 - 12:18 am

Ruthie Thankyou for sharing your bachelor button tea recipe with us! It’s really neat to get the background story of the flower. I enjoyed seeing the process in pictures from start to finish.

August 16, 2020 - 4:43 pm

Monica Last year was my first year to grow bachelor buttons and this year, I planted more and also had a wild one come up that flourished! They ARE wonderful. Great idea on drying the herbs in the vehicle!

That shot with the bee is amazing! Wonderful photography!

The Gift of a Clothespin

“My Lord is not limited; He can again supply.”
 – George Muller


“Mommy, the laundry is all over the yard,” my nine year old reported, as she ran up to the house, finding me in the kitchen.


“Oh, they must have blown off the line – I have no laundry pegs,” I told her, as I finished washing up the breakfast dishes. “I’ll get the clothes in a minute. Gather what you can and put them in the basket.”

Finishing up the dishes, I slipped on my sandals and returned to the clothelines, one of my favorite spots to work around the house. Hanging laundry outside in the summer fresh air is a delight, not a chore, to me. Pulling the squeaky laundry line in after only an hour in the bright sunshine, I am often surprised to find the clothes fully dried. Not only do the clothes dry fast and sanitize in the sun, they smell like fresh air and country life, a scent that is only free from nature and can never be put into a  store-bought bottle.

But for the past few months, I have had a lack in pegs– to put it simple: I have had no clothespins – and so, I lay the clothes on the laundry line, hoping a strong wind would not blow our undershirts and the like into the neighbouring field.

“Well, where are all your clothespines?” my husband asked one morning, as he sipped his morning espresso before heading to work at the funeral home.

“Oh, you know how it is … I don’t really know … they just … disappear,” I shrugged. Where *did* those clothespins go? I had seen countless children yank their towels from the laundry line this summer, snapping the pins as they pulled down their warm towels to dry themselves after a swim in the “pool”. I knew they had broken some but I had searched the grass and could not find many pins to put back together and re-use.

But now, all the pegs were gone.

With all the upset that is going on in this world right now, I find it very challenging to get to a store. In fact, I have not been to a store in about four months – ever since Luther was born and the restrictions of shopping were put in place. My husband helps with the groceries and I just figured this is a time to make do with what we have. No quick run to the dollar store to pick up clothespins if I have to wait in a line for 15 minutes, leaving all the children at home. Things like clothespins and craft supplies – the usual dollar store purchases – would be forgotten for the time being.

And so, that morning, as I laid out the clothes on the laundry line one by one — without pegs — my thoughts drifted … to George Muller. That great man of faith prayed for everything.
Big or little.

The clothespin request was little, but was it justified for a request?

Yes, I realized I would just need to pray  — for clothespins. 

“Lord, you know I cannot go to a store right now. You know I need to hang laundry to dry. You know how much laundry a family of 11 can have! Lord, I pray that if you think I need them, you will send me some laundry pegs…”

As I finished with the laundry, my simple prayer was quiet, but I was confident my God was listening – even to my small request.


The three helpless ice cubes in our clear drinking glasses, filled with fresh well water,  were rapidly melting and quickly disappearing with the humid August afternoon.

Under the shade of the porch, my cousin sat opposite of me in the faded white rocking chair, while I held my baby in my lap and rocked on the porch swing. Some of the children were playing, some were quietly hovering around the porch, hanging on the porch beams, listening to our conversation. The laundry had been gathered, folded and put away. It was time to chat a little with my relative.

Our conversation was jumping all around, hardly staying on one topic for very long, as we tried to quickly catch up from a few months of not seeing each other. Finally, nearing the end of our visit, my cousin reached into her bag and pulled out a plastic ziploc bag.

“I’m not sure if you need these or not…?” she said, holding out the bag to me.  “But I brought them for you…”

I peeked inside the bag and gasped.

Clothespins. Lots of clothespins.

Tears misted my eyes. I could not believe it – but shouldn’t I have had more faith?

“Oh my … this is wonderful … amazing … you have no idea!” I excitedly told my cousin, as I dropped the clothespins in my lap. “Just this morning, I prayed for clothespins! And here they are! I needed some and God provided!

Later that evening, I told my husband about my prayer request and the gift God had sent.

God is so good and faithful – even in the little, tiny details – if we ask.  When I peg up the daily loads of laundry, I will now be reminded of the Lord’s goodness —  in the form some simple wooden clothespins.



August 12, 2020 - 8:56 pm

Teresa God cares about every little detail of our lives. If it is important to you it is important to the Father. He sees our every need and He hears our every little prayer, even if it is just asking for Him for the need of clothes pins….This story blessed my heart ~ He cares for you!

August 10, 2020 - 1:04 pm

Ruthie Dear Gigi, I love laundry dried on the line as well, but I never knew of all the health benefits. Thankyou! I’ve hung laundry all my life mainly to help save on electricity. My husband is on the other side of a bone marrow transplant at this time, and one of the things we needed to do was move within a half hour of the cancer hospital. So, we moved into our son’s newly bought home for the summer, but that means no garden as fresh dirt is a no-no to a recovering BMT patient. However, I was so happy to see the former owner had a clothes line, pins, line supports and even laundry line in the basement! There have been so many answers to prayer for us through this journey, but being able to still hang out my laundry is a personal one for me because I dearly miss my regular summer outside time. I’m also enjoying all your families’ activities and just love your GW garden! You uniquely made it the Gauthier garden!❤ Also, could you perhaps share in a future post about where you find your herb tincture recipes for your medicine cabinet? No hurry, of course, with you taking care of your beloved family.
Appreciating all the time you take for us,

August 6, 2020 - 3:02 pm

Debby in Kansas USA I’ve had that happen to me, as well. Isn’t it so wonderful to know He’s always listening? When househunting for the very first time, it was depressing! We couldn’t find anything. Either it didn’t meet our needs for various reasons or it was too expensive. It was already slim pickings because a large earthquake had damaged so many of the affordable homes. There was a tract of little homes I really liked, close to the train (we only had one car), and walking distance to many things. The particular model that we wanted and we could afford was rarely for sale and we waited and waited. After many months, we were about to give up and settle but our agent called to say that a sale just posted on the model we wanted just an hour before. I closed my eyes and said, “Lord, let us know if this is the right one. Somehow. You know I love forest green carpet and I’ve got ivy dishes.” We immediately went to see it. Yup, you guessed it. It was the home we wanted. Great location, forest green carpet, and the shelf paper in the kitchen was ivy!! Not only that but it was nearly $30,000 less than we were expecting!!!

August 5, 2020 - 11:43 pm

Rachel Thank you for sharing this story! God does hear our prayers “if we ask.” I love the fact that you will now think of God when you see your clothespins! I try to match up God’s word with my environment whether it be in nature or an object.

August 4, 2020 - 11:49 pm

jen This is a fantastic example of God’s faithfulness. This week, my good friend lost the diamond from her wedding ring. She thought she had lost it in Costco- and even some people tried to help her scour the floor for it when she noticed it missing while returning something. She went home and tore her home apart thinking, maybe just maybe the diamond had gotten caught in her fitted sheet when she was changing the bedding on her bed. Still to no avail, she just prayed about it, not really having faith that she would find it as she thought it was gone gone. Low and behold, as she emptied her clothes from the washer to the dryer she heard a clunk. It was her diamond!!! She couldn’t believe it! I told her her story reminded me of the parable of the woman losing her coin. God is so good and knows what we need when we need it!!

August 4, 2020 - 5:43 pm

Kristal Oh, I love, love, love this story. I was just sharing with my husband my anxiety over his work and planning today. He is a school teacher and is supposed to start school in just a few weeks, but he still has not received any news from the school district on what that will look like (meaning in person or online). It’s so easy to let the enemy take captive my thoughts during this time, but your story is a prime example that the Lord has us in his hands. My worries are his and he will provide exactly what we need this year, no matter how that might look for us. Thanks for always pointing us back to the Lord, Gillian. P.s. I’m glad you got your clothespins! Sometimes it’s the small things that mean the most.

Swim Upstream

As many of us must home church now in light of the events of 2020, I thought I would share this. Our family found this blog post by John MacArthur spot on.

“Christ is Lord of all. He is the one true head of the church (Ephesians 1:22; 5:23; Colossians 1:18). He is also King of kings—sovereign over every earthly authority (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 17:14; 19:16). Grace Community Church has always stood immovably on those biblical principles. As His people, we are subject to His will and commands as revealed in Scripture. Therefore we cannot and will not acquiesce to a government-imposed moratorium on our weekly congregational worship or other regular corporate gatherings. Compliance would be disobedience to our Lord’s clear commands.


When any one of the three institutions exceeds the bounds of its jurisdiction it is the duty of the other institutions to curtail that overreach. Therefore, when any government official issues orders regulating worship (such as bans on singing, caps on attendance, or prohibitions against gatherings and services), he steps outside the legitimate bounds of his God-ordained authority as a civic official and arrogates to himself authority that God expressly grants only to the Lord Jesus Christ as sovereign over His Kingdom, which is the church. His rule is mediated to local churches through those pastors and elders who teach His Word (Matthew 16:18–19; 2 Timothy 3:16–4:2).”

Please read the full blog post and pray. Remember – only dead fish swim upstream, as my 14 year old always reminds me.

Read your Bible. Be faithful to Christ.

And stand firm.

Tender Lives

“It is a great thing to take these young and tender lives, rich with so many possibilities of beauty, of joy, of power,
all of which may be wrecked, and to become responsible for their shaping and training and for the up-building of their character. This is what must be thought of in the making of a home.

It must be a home in which children will grow up for true and noble life, for God and for heaven. Upon the parents, the chief response rests. They are the builders of good or evil.


It will be just what they make it. If it it be happy, they must be the authors of the happiness; if it be unhappy, the blame must rest with them. Its tone, its atmosphere, its spirit, its influence, it will take from them. They have the making of a home in their own hands, and God holds them responsible for it.


What is so feeble, so helpless, so dependent as a new-born babe?
Yet look onward and see what a stretch of life lies before this feeble infant, away into the eternities.


Think of the powers folded up in his helpless form, and what the possible outcome may be. Who can tell what skill there may be lying unconscious yet in these tiny fingers, what eloquence of song in these little lips, what intellectual faculties in this brain, what power of love or sympathy in this heart? The parents are to take this infant and nurse it into manhood or womanhood, to draw out these slumbering powers and teach it to use them. That is, God wants a man trained for a great mission in the world and life puts into the hands of a young father and mother a little babe, and bids then nurse it and train it for him until the man is ready for his mission.


When we look at a little child and remember all this, what a dignity surrounds the work of caring for it!
Does God give to angels any work grander than this?

 ~J.R. Miller – Home-Making


July 31, 2020 - 7:23 am

Teresa @ SF *your

July 31, 2020 - 7:23 am

Teresa @ SF Gigi, God will bless your family richly.. He sees your love for Him and tour faithfulness. I can’t wait to see your family grow.. with grands and greats. Have a blessed day!

July 28, 2020 - 10:24 am

Gigi Thank you, Monica! xo

July 28, 2020 - 10:24 am

Gigi Thank you, Kristal! He is in the smiling and cuddly-giggly stage right now! Love it! How are you doing?

July 28, 2020 - 10:23 am

Gigi Teresa, thank you. I do feel blessed. I do wish I was from a large family so I would know the blessings of that lifestyle as a sibling. I am grateful for my brother and sister, however! My children have very few cousins and — only two aunts! — and we rarely see our extended family, so I hope things will be different for my children – I hope to have tons of grandchildren and loads of family dinners at my home once I become a grandmother! I pray for future blessings!

July 28, 2020 - 8:55 am

Teresa @ SF Just beautiful I love the writings of J.R. Miller! My mom had nine children, I am number eight. I love large families- you are very blessed. Have a wonderful day!

July 24, 2020 - 7:36 pm

Kristal Aww he is getting so big! You and your husband are very blessed.

July 24, 2020 - 4:00 pm

Monica Just lovely all around!! ❤️