Keep Sunday Special

“People still really value their time together and make use of it.
Sundays are a precious resource and one that needs to be safeguarded and protected.”

-John Ashcroft


Do you keep Sunday’s special for your family?

Although stores are now open on Sunday and most have forgotten this day for its Christian roots (and yes, I know Saturday is the Sabbath day, but in North America, Sunday has been reserved for church goings), I have always wanted to preserve the dignity of Sunday for our family.  It has been a challenge for us, as my husband’s workplace is never closed – being a mortician, he is always on call and must go when needed. For years, we struggled with keeping Sunday special and reserved for rest and worship. Thankfully, the Lord is blessing my husband’s choice to stay home on Sunday  for rarely is he called in to work on Sundays over the past few years.


“I think it is absolutely crucial that we slow down,
that we don’t keep running at the same speed,
on the same treadmill, seven days a week, 365 days a year.”
– Relationships Foundation interview 



This is the day we go to church and worship our Lord.

This is the day we spend as a family – sometimes just among ourselves or sometimes with extended family.

This is the day we can invite friends over for fellowship or a hymn sing.

This is also the day we bake a special dessert …


Quite a few years ago, I implemented the idea of each girl taking a Sunday to bake something special for the day. Now it is only natural and part of our regular routine to, on Saturday, ensure we have a plan — and a recipe — for Sunday’s dessert.


I would say, yes, it is a tradition to have a special dessert prepared for Sunday. It changes the day, slightly, and elevates it to a higher level, especially for those little ones whose eyes light up at that chocolate cake sitting temptingly on the kitchen counter. Awaiting the end of the Sunday meal, everyone knows tea time will come and we will indulge in a lovely sweet treat. Having this wonderful dessert also aids in hospitality: if someone decides to visit or pop by for tea, we have something delicious ready to serve.

Is it fair to say it is one of the highlights for Sunday? Yes, I think that is fair to say.

On this particular Sunday, the girls choose to make peanut butter icing and decorate the cake with chocolate chips and peanuts.

Or try it with walnuts and regular chocolate icing … just as delicious!


Since we loved this cake so much, I decided to use it as a prepared mix for the pantry. Today, I am sharing the recipe with you, so you may add it to your pantry and Sunday menu.

Nothing pulls a family — and friends — together like a delicious frosted chocolate cake.


And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:
because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
Genesis 2:30


Chocolate Cake Make Ahead Mix


Delicious with Peanut butter frosting/drizzle!

Decorate with peanuts!


For the cake mix:
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt

In a large bowl, whisk together the sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda,
and salt until very well combined. Store in glass jars in your pantry so they are ready to use on Sunday.

To make the cake:

2 eggs, at room temperature
1 cup milk, at room temperature
1/2 cup light vegetable oil, such as sunflower or safflower
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 cup boiling water

In a large bowl, blend in the eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla.  Gradually stir in the boiling water until the batter is well-combined. You may bake in whatever shape of pan you wish – I like to use a bundt pan, but this week, we also used a round cake pan.  Bake at 350 until a wooden toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Frost when cooled!

I will forever keep Sunday’s special – first, for the gathering of the saints.

And second, for the chocolate cake, cooling on the counter.


P.S. Make sure to visit on Sunday! The tea is on and the cake is ready!

‘But actually what we are chipping away is family time.
If there is not one day of the week to sit around the table with family,
what kind of a family are you?’
 – Matthew Wright


January 15, 2021 - 1:54 pm

Monica I love this! I’ll be on over! 😉

January 12, 2021 - 4:10 pm

Erin Lynn I like how you make Sunday a special day of honoring the Lord, and a day to look forward to for your children!

January 11, 2021 - 9:50 pm

Bethany Looks delicious!