I’m too busy.

“So, how are you doing?”

We hear this question almost every day. We ask this question to most people. And we ourselves are asked this question over and over in life.

And the answer is usually – “Good ….  things are SOOO busy!”

Do you feel like your life is too busy? Busy is good, right? But hold on, let’s not get too busy. I mean, it’s great to keep our kids in activities that will help them grow and learn life skills, but do we really need to run our family and ourselves ragged by over-scheduling and ‘being busy’ all the time?
And if we’re too busy, how can we actually have any quiet time? Time with God? or quiet time with our kids or loved ones? I’ve been on a mission  for the past few years to be ‘less busy’ …

So when this idea to do La Tienda Mini sessions popped into my head, I thought “but I’m too busy already.” I have a business to run, a family to organize, children need me, we home school, church activities, the list goes on and on and on … how could I fit a whole day of shooting plus proofing onto my already over-sized-overflowing plate?

And yet -isn’t that always the way?
Are we are too busy for the most important things in life while we run around busying ourselves with small, often meaningless tasks of the daily grind, leaving no room for the bigger picture? Are we not called to love our neighbours, help the orphans and widows and do as Jesus would do? Jesus never said “Help out when you find you have the time.”

Yes, I was right. I am busy. Too busy to help though? Well, that was something my heart argued back … I didn’t want to be so busy that I wouldn’t help the ladies of La Tienda, to answer the calling that God had placed on my heart.

It’s like the parable in the Bible … so many parables and stories where the people are ‘too busy’ and miss the most important thing right in front of them …

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Philippians 2:4

And so, I went through with it. And with your help – my awesome clients! – with all of the mini sessions, we officially raised $1,100 for the women and children of La Tienda today! Yeah!!!!

The money is already on the way to these ladies and is going to make a big difference in the rest of their year! A big thank you, also, to Heather of Duncan Photography who has kindly offered to help me proof so we can ensure families will get their proofs in time for Christmas deadline (early November).

We are busy people, that’s just life, But let us never be so busy that we don’t see the needs right in front of our faces.

Thank you for helping make a difference. And for making time in your busy schedules to help out La Tienda!

You guys rock. xo

{Just a few from the sessions … }

October 24, 2011 - 9:17 pm

Rachel Thanks Gillian. What a wonderful encouragement to us! This money will helps 11 women for the a Month. What a difference a Day can make!

October 24, 2011 - 8:36 am

Sherri Smith You do beautiful work Gillian. I particularly like the last one. Such a treat to see you sneak peeks.

October 24, 2011 - 7:06 am

kristi It was a great day and I was so happy to be a part of raising money for la Tienda. You are awesome for giving back to them!
I LOVE the picture of my girls. Thank you so much…just what I needed! xo

October 24, 2011 - 4:11 am

Brenda (Gillian’s Mom) Great words of encouragement and exhortation to all of us, Gillian! And great pictures too (as usual)! May God grant you the peace and extra time as you proof and get these pictures ready for the families. And may the $1,100 that you raised, be multiplied so as to meet MANY needs. You have “cast your bread onto the waters”
“He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.” Proverbs 19:17

October 23, 2011 - 11:52 pm

Ljubica Krpan Such a beautiful blog…and even more gorgeous photos!!!

October 23, 2011 - 11:03 pm

Grandma Gerr Amazing!

October 23, 2011 - 10:41 pm

Nancy absolutely stunning…Gillian…everyone’s lives that you touch, and it might not be on a daily basis, is blessed over and over again! Your messages, your positiveness, your spirit…you inspire my dear and I am so very glad that I have been able to include you in mine and my families life….God Bless you and God Bless the women and families of La Tienda!!

October 23, 2011 - 10:39 pm

Nicole So in love Gillain! You are a super star! xox

October 23, 2011 - 10:35 pm

Krista Thank you for your latest blog post. I needed to read your thoughts on our calling vs. our schedules. Your words helped to put things back in perspective again.