
Meet Jack.

He’s a pretty special little boy.

He has a big battle to fight. But an even bigger story to tell.

Some of you may remember Jack from previous posts …

He is such an amazing little boy … such a joy and sparkle in his eyes and smile – and yet, little Jack doesn’t lead the carefree life of an average toddler.

You see, at  just a mere 12 weeks old, baby Jack suddenly became very, very sick. After many, many blood transfusions and visits to the hospital and the emergency room, Jack was finally diagnosed with  DBA – you may not have heard of this disease … Janet, his strong, amazing mother writes more about it here on her website, which I will quote below:

“Jack has rare bone marrow failure condition known as Diamond Blackfan Anemia. An extremely rare blood disorder affecting less than 1000 people in the world. Jack is a beautiful, happy, and energetic 2 and  half year old doing all the things that most two year olds do except Jack’s body is unable to make red blood cells and every three weeks he needs a life sustaining packed red blood cell transfusion. To date he has had in excess of 35 transfusions and during the course of his life he will likely have over 1000. As a result of this his body is overloaded with iron and he must be hooked up to a pump every night to help rid his body of the iron.”

Coming up in November, his family is hosting a fundraiser to help find a cure for DBA. If you would like more information, want to help out, or would like to purchase tickets, please jump on over to their site and send them an e-mail. You can also check them out on facebook.

Help this little guy get a fighting chance against the disease that has taken over his young life.

October 21, 2011 - 3:04 pm

Heidi I remember meeting Jack when he was just a little baby – it’s so good to see him looking so happy and beautiful!!