Daycare Vs. A Mother at Home

                                    Thousands of women have been lured from the home by humanists & feminists
trying to find their fulfillment in their career outside the home.
They have been deceived to think that childbearing is an inferior task
when all along it is the greatest mission given to them.  

                                                                                  ~Nancy Campbell



Leaning over her papers, my sixteen year old daughter sighed. Her pencil slipped from her fingers and she slumped her shoulders.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, as I mashed up the boiled potatoes for tonight’s dinner.

“I have to write an essay – an argumentantive essay – and I don’t know what to write about …” she said, her brow wrinkled with despair and a glum look on her young face.

While the love of writing has not been passed down to my daughter yet, I had enrolled her in an online university English composition course. It was proving a good challenge for her – particularly  in the essay-writing department.

“Oh, I have so many ideas for such an essay!” I replied, quickly listing off the things I am passionate about (the benefits of home education, health, family, God’s ways, growing your own food, raising children and so many more ideas. “What about an essay on why mothers need to stay home and raise their children?”

Agreeing it would be a great idea, she left the kitchen armed with a pile of great, research books  that would help her with her research.

I’m thankful that my mother raised me to know that staying home to raise your children is a valuable and worthwhile cause. While I did attend college — and spent the first few years of my single and then married life working my career, there was no question in my mind that I would stay home to raise our babies and children. When we were blessed with our first child, I honestly informed my boss that I would not be returning after the baby was born. When my firstborn turned a year old, I started a small home-based business, which quickly grew into too much for one person to handle.  Grandma was available to help babysit, but still, it felt wrong leaving my children during those few hours in the evening. Just as our homeschooling years would begin, and knowing it was time to give up the many items on my plate, I stepped away from outside work again. This time, it was time to permanently focus solely on my first and foremost important job: a wife and mother.


As our family grew, for several summers, we would take a week off and camp at a local Christian camp. During the chapel hours, parents were encouraged to drop their babies and children off at the scheduled programs. New to me, I carried my little one year old over to the nursery, located across the walkway of the camp, where she would be well taken care of for the hour or two that I sat through the chapel service with my husband. Pinning her laminated name tag to the back of her dress, a childcare worker cheerfully accepted my little one from my arms and encouraged me to hurry over to chapel. Of course, my little one did not want to be left there. She knew no one in the room … no relatives … no mommy … in my heart, I knew it was wrong, however I tried it for a few chapel services. Soon, my motherly conscience told me to stop leaving my little one year old in the care of others, even in a Christian setting.  From the chapel service, I could hear little ones crying and calling for their mothers.

It bothered me enough to excuse myself from the service and go collect my daughter. Since that day, I decided to it was not right to leave my baby, even use the church nursery that is made available.

Perhaps, you say, that is extreme.
Perhaps it is.
But it sits right to me. These children were only given to my husband and I, a responsibility I do not take lightly.


Here are some details my daughter has gathered so far in her research for her essay:

– 71% of moms with kids under eighteen, and 65% of moms with kids under six are out in the work force now.

(according to Mary Eberstadt, author of the book, “Home-Alone America: The Hidden Toll of Day Care, Behavioral Drugs, and Other Parent Substitutes)

Why your face matters to your baby:   No masks, please!

Is your young child have tantrums?

The findings from a “huge, long-term government study…show that kids who spend long hours
in day care have behaviour problems
that persist well into elementary school,” reported Heide Lang in a 2005 piece in Psychology Today.

Read this.

“Specifically, our many research reports revealed that the more time children spent in any kind of non-familial child care, and sometimes specifically in centers, the more aggressive and disobedient they proved to be at two and 4.5 years of age, as well as across their elementary school years; and the more impulsive they proved to be at age 15, at which age they also engaged in more “risky” behavior than children who experienced far less non-familial care across their first five years of life.” – source


Daycare can cause stress for your young baby, harming their future.


“Significant among the reams of research are the so-called cortisol studies, which measured the presence of stress hormones in young babies and consistently found these levels to be higher in children in long day care. These have been linked with greater aggression and anxiety found in older children in long day care but are also known to affect the development of a range of neurotransmitters, whose pathways in the brain are still being built. These permanent brain changes are now thought by scientists and psychiatrists to affect the way the child will react to stress, anxiety and negative feelings in later life.”

Professors Harriet Vermeer and Marinus van IJzendoorn conducted a meta-analysis of nine daycare studies examining trajectories in the stress hormone cortisol. Their article concludes:

“Our main finding was that at daycare children display higher cortisol levels compared to the home setting. Diurnal patterns revealed significant increases from morning to afternoon, but at daycare only….Age appeared to be the most significant moderator of this relation. It was shown that the effect of daycare attendance on cortisol excretion was especially notable in children younger than 36 months. We speculate that children in center daycare show elevated cortisol levels because of their stressful interactions in a group setting.” – source


Staying at home has eliminated all need for bottles, formula or even soothers. Wonderful!
Babies who were nursed have a lower chance of being depressed in their youth. – source



No matter what anyone think, mothers cannot be replaced with a great well trained nanny.



Excuse me now … I must go snuggle my sweet little baby while he naps …

Can a woman forget her sucking child,
that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb?
Yea, they may forget, but I will not forget thee.

Isaiah 49:15

October 14, 2020 - 8:46 pm

Monica I agree with this post! ❤️ I dare say a lot of women do feel guilty about leaving their children at daycare but I just wish they would not override their God-given intuition and instead understand WHY they are feeling guilty—because daycare is unnatural! Babies belong with their mamas! It’s just that!
I have to say Luther is adorable! Those big, brown eyes-beautiful! And look at the sweet snuggles with mama—so sweet.

October 14, 2020 - 8:10 pm

Janine We are definitely on the same page! Beautiful pics of your sweet baby! I even have the book you mention. I agree with all you said!

October 13, 2020 - 8:27 pm

Gramma Cardinal <3 wonderful post! Love you All!

October 12, 2020 - 5:26 am

Gigi Thank you, Michelle. 🙂

October 12, 2020 - 5:26 am

Gigi Kristal, thank you for your note. I am praying for you in these last days of your pregnancy!
The garden still needs my attention – so much to do still! I have all my root veggies still needing to be harvest. Garlic will need to be planted soon.
It is good that you are encouraging others mothers. I feel that is very important right now!

October 12, 2020 - 5:25 am

Gigi Annie, thank you. 🙂
My daughter would like to be a music teacher – she is studying classical harp right now and is taking on her first piano student this week! She is taking some online university courses in music theory and will see where it takes her. Her sister is learning cello so eventually, they want to be a sister duo of cello and harp and would market themselves for hire for weddings, special events, etc. Of course, she is also praying God will allow her to marry. 🙂

October 12, 2020 - 5:19 am

Gigi Hello Liz, thank you for your comment.
I hear what you are saying, Liz, however, I would encourage another view. We have nine children and live on one income. That is not easy! Our province is an expensive province to live in. If we could, we would move to a cheaper location, but due to my husband’s job, we need to stay here for a while yet. Yes, my husband works long hours to support our family. It is not easy but it is do-able. As Christians, I do not think it is right to depend on the government for anything related to childcare. When we let the government ‘help’ us, we will give up some rights in other ways. Society will never be on the same track as Christian-Biblical living (Titus 2). It will always be a challenge to live according to the guidelines set out in Scripture. I do not believe it is an impossible dream, however, I do understand it is a monumental challenge. I also believe God will supply all our needs, but it takes faith to step out and allow that to happen. If the woman, with the blessing of her husband, gave up her job to stay home with her children full time, she would have to do so with large amounts of faith for God to provide what is needed for their family. (Philippians 4:19) And university costs are huge – indeed, but that is another topic (what is being studied in that university? Is it required?). God will never leave us forsaken. I think of George Mueller’s story – God will certainly take care of His children when we step out in faith and follow His Word. Yes, cutting corners is very, very challenging — but we are to pray about everything and ask God to help us. I pray you are blessed today, Liz!

October 11, 2020 - 5:11 pm

Annie Gigi, I love your blog. It is always such an encouragement to me! May I ask what your daughter’s plans are after graduating? If she knows, of course – there is no rush. 🙂

October 11, 2020 - 5:08 pm

Liz I feel like this conversation needs to be reframed. Many mothers I know would prefer to stay home however it can be impossible to do so depending on your spouse’s job and depending on where you live. Yes, I’m very familiar with how to cut corners financially but sometimes that’s not enough. With the cost of living and university costs, this becomes an impossible dream for some. I think we need to reframe this by advocating for families and by challenging governments to make it attainable for families. I think our focus needs to be less on ‘why aren’t women staying home’ and more on, ‘why isn’t society making it easier for women (or men) to stay home’. How can we advocate for each other so this can be a reality for those who can only dream of it?

October 10, 2020 - 10:19 am

Kristal Hello Gigi!

I hope your sweet family is doing very well! Are you still harvesting and canning from your garden, or has everything been picked at this point? We have just under a month to go now before our newest little one joins us. We are all so excited, but I can definitely feel myself slowing down a bit. Your post is wonderful and encouraging. I think it’s wonderful that your daughter will be writing about this. As our children get older, it’s so important for them to see the research themselves on why we (general we) do what we do. It’s more likely she will be even more affirmed in this decision as she can make the argument. I hope she is encouraged and blessed by the assignment! I know for myself as a former teacher, that I regret putting my two oldest daughters in daycare for a few years. It honestly broke my heart in two hearing their cries for me as I would drop them off. I remember with my oldest it being so bad, I had to have my husband do it for awhile. I think it’s such a struggle for mothers sometimes to feel like it is ok for them to stay home and to feel encouraged to do so. Lately (with COVID and schools being shut down) I have been trying to voice encouragement to all the new moms that have come to me about wanting to try homeschooling. I tell them yes they can! It’s a wonderful calling and to me it is a full time job. Being a wife, mom, and now homeschool teacher is just as much of a “career” as it was as when I was a paid teacher. I’m just so grateful God called me home and I have been able to redeem so much missed time.
Take care! Kristal

October 9, 2020 - 4:16 pm

Michelle By the way, the pictures as so precious!!!!

October 9, 2020 - 4:15 pm

Michelle A beautiful, just beautiful post. And every word is true. Thank you for reminding me of how good God is and being thankful that I am home with my children. They are “our responsibility” not someone else’s. Thanks Gigi for your encouragement as wives and mothers to do it God’s way!!