Germs. [Who Needs Them?]

It’s been the week of a sickness that just lingers and lingers. We cannot seem to shake it. There has been a lot of sleeping and holding and crying and coughing [and some other not so pretty symptoms]. The little ones are not easily settled. I’ve just laid baby Leia’s warm body back into her snuggly bed, after rescuing her from a fit of endless coughing. We’ve had a different child or all the children in our bed over the last few days. At one point, while Abby and I lay there sick, with three sick girls on our bed watching Little House on the Prairie, and two little ones crawling and climbing around, we laughed and said, “Now  this? THIS is Family Day …. !”

But as the week of sickness has stretched on, my energy levels are wearing thin. My patience was shorter today than it should have been and my heart knows I can do better.

Amazing how a little week of a simple virus can set you back.

Tomorrow, I refuse to let it do so.

After all, isn’t it our own choice in how we react to situations?

I choose to embrace tomorrow – even in all it’s germ-infested glory.

[Leia & Love]

February 13, 2013 - 4:31 pm

Gillian’s Mom, Brenda That’s the way to think, Gillian 🙂
You and DH need a KING size bed!!

February 13, 2013 - 11:00 am

shelley s hope you all feel better soon 🙂 and just wanted to say I love your new blog design, it’s beautiful and so you! :):)

February 13, 2013 - 10:32 am

Sherry So sad that all of you aren’t feeling well. Just a helpful hint to wash/change your pillowcases EVERY day when you are sick and wash your pillows too or at least put them in the dryer on high for 10 minutes to kill all the germs. Pillows and bedding hold germs like crazy! Also rub Vicks vapo rub on the kids (and your) feet and put on some warm socks – calms coughing and lets them sleep without medication. 🙂 Hope you all feel better soon!