
I get a lot of moms coming through the studio, saying, “I just don’t know if I’m done …”


Having kids, that is. How DO you know when you’re done? Do you just KNOW?
Well, all *I* know is if you don’t want to put those darling baby clothes into storage or you put it off because it’s so sad for you … well, then you’re not done. 
Guess what I’m doing today?


I know I’m not done. Are you?

March 16, 2010 - 9:35 am

Beate I agree with you. You are never done until you lose that little heart tug every time you see little patent leather shoes. I have one son and one stepson. We are praying that the Lord will bless us with more, but until then we are just trying to be content.

March 14, 2010 - 9:28 am

Jen Holder Yup. There is no way to describe that “done” feeling. Before I had my little Ellie (our 3rd) It felt like something was missing and when she arrived our family felt complete. I have enjoyed clearing the house of cribs and baby stuff (keeping a box of sentimental little things for each child) I cherish those baby days, but am happy to move on.

March 14, 2010 - 12:58 am

pammelah after my fifth baby I was very done, Id quickly walk by the baby section of any store, glad that those days were over and I had moved on to easier days as far as all the night time feedings and diapers and such goes. But then I got the shock of my life seven years after Id had my last baby, I was pregnant again. It was a strggled getting my brain around it. I was finally kid free during the day, I could sleep in on the occasional sunday, and my jeans fit again. But when Gabriel poked his head into the world, suddenly the diapers and the night time feeds all became very very dear to me, I almost mourned each month that passed and tried hard to cherish every minute, now knowing how fast they fly. I’ve been so blessed to have Gabe and Ben too.. God knows when you are done Gilly, and He opens and closes wombs today just as He did long ago.Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your baby making ways acknowledge Him and he’ll direct your path. hugs momma

March 13, 2010 - 10:23 pm

Tanya Wow..timing is weird! I have been WRESTLING with this question in my head for a little while now. I don’t think I’m done, BUT I don’t know if the pregnancy route is in my future either. I was SO done after my second, but now she’s almost done bottles, onesies, crawling…and I’m sad thinking it’s the end of all of that FOREVER…hmmmm…it’s a big question mark 🙂

March 13, 2010 - 7:21 pm

Tabitha I said I was…..I don’t enjoy pregnancy, hate being pregnant, in fact. I swore up and down this was my last, was *so* happy I would never be pregnant again (I do know I am so blessed to have conceived, carried and delivered my 3 healthy boys easily), and was looking forward to being done with the diapering phase of my life…and then Eachann was born. I can’t put his baby stuff away, and am so sad to think of never nursing again, seeing that first smile, first giggle, etc. I have a feeling he may not be my last (this is the first time I’ve admitted this publicly, lol!)

March 13, 2010 - 6:06 pm

Catherine It’s true, you do just *know*
I don’t look at pregnant women and wish it was me anymore. I don’t look at newborns thinking ‘wouldn’t it be great….’ I just look at my boys, know how blessed I am, and enjoy the love. Confident that we are done. After 4 years of infertility, it’s a beautiful feeling to have it be our decision to stop.

March 13, 2010 - 5:02 pm

Jennifer We are and did something about it too. At least I get to still see and hold newborns but I also get to give them back. 🙂