“There’s nothing like staying home for real comfort.”
-Jane Austen
The rain has not stopped for two weeks – or has it been longer? With the soggy grounds and the mud soaked boots, we have had endless cleaning at the doorways … This has been one of the wettest, dreariest Novembers in my memory. At some point, our lovely sun disappeared and we have only seen greyness for a majority of this month. The winds have not stopped and are threatening to escalate to 90 kms. an hour this evening … my little ones are not feeling well … and some of my bigger ones, as well … our vehicle has been broken for a week and we have not been able to travel, not that we would be tempted to go out in this foreboding weather.
And yet still … the home is the most comfortable place to be, my favourite location … comfortable and warm, with endless projects that can make my day interesting, a house full of children and young adults, food that needs preparing and cooking, school that needs teaching, drawers that need organizing, babies that need rocking.
To be at home is not boring — at all.
In fact, to me, it’s bliss.
by Gigi