Creativity {in the Home}



“As wonderful as the results of our creativity can be, beautiful results are not the only benefit which the spirit of creativity brings. The act of creating, of making beauty out of something ordinary, brings joy in itself …
Creativity is not just for self-fulfillment.
Much of the joy of creativity comes in sharing it with others.
One of the most valuable ways we can share the spirit of creativity is by modeling it for our children.
We give them a legacy of joy when we teach them to use their own God-given creativity to instill the spirit of loveliness into their own lives and homes.”

-Emilie Barnes, The Spirit of Loveliness


Shall we chat a bit about being creative around the home? Whether it is placing a vase of fresh flowers at the entry way table or re-painting a room that is dingy and needs refreshing … we all need to be creative! Perhaps it is purchasing that lovely rosebush you always wanted to grow and planting it this summer … (Oh, how I do love roses!)

Personally, I try to do something creative every day – sometimes, it’s just re-arranging a table centrepiece for the kitchen, while other days I have more time to devote to a small, quick creative moment. Recently, with some spare time in my afternoon, I made a few soy lilac scented candles to celebrate the arrival of our (slow-moving) springtime season. Candles are very easy to make and, tied with a pretty ribbon or an attractive label, they can make very pretty gifts for friends and family. They are easily customizable with the seasons, as well – and no more buying candles at the store on a whim … if you are inspired, you can easily go home and make a candle for yourself to suit your taste of the week.


{Would you like me to post a tutorial on this?
It is pretty easy to make and I’m sure there are other tutorials already written on the internet,
if you did a search. However, I can write one out for you, if you request it.}

And today, Lacey and I made a little batch of soap for our family and as gifts. These were a simple melt and pour, but we have made soap from complete scratch before (it just needs more time to prepare and a free morning without too much distraction).



We made one batch as honey and lavender with jojoba oils added in …

As I was pouring the soap into these pretty molds, I remembered an idea we had seen somewhere …. to put tiny treats and surprises in the soap as little gifts for little hands when they are washing up.


Lacey took this next task on and put tiny “squinkies” in each soap … filling the tray halfway up, placing the toy inside and then filling the soap mold back up to the top.



She wrapped them up in parchment paper and tied a tiny pink string around each soap package. They were placed in a little metal basket (spray painted white) and set on the kitchen table. Tonight, after dinner, the children can pick a soap and will be so surprised to find their little treats inside. The little girls are so excited already, not knowing what Lacey made, but knowing there is a treat at the kitchen table awaiting them for after supper. They can use their new soaps to wash up for bedtime.





Planting seeds and growing herbs on your kitchen window sill would be a great creative treat at this time of year.

This past weekend, the older girls and my husband and I were blessed to attend a beautiful symphony performance featuring a full orchestra (including a harp!) and a lovely variety of opera singers. The entire experience was fabulous – and I hope it was inspiring to our girls, as we sat in the front row and they watched in awe as all the musicians played their instruments with delight.

Before the performance, as a treat, my husband took us out for dinner – something we probably only do once a year, if that. When the waitress brought a lovely meals to the table, each plate had a sprig of fresh rosemary as decoration. Much to husband’s embarrassment, I saved those sprigs of rosemary and tucked them into my pocket with a napkin. Mr. Husband was certainly rolling his eyes when I did that! Why keep the rosemary sprigs? Why, to plant them! They are now sitting in water on my kitchen windowsill and I shall watch them every day to see if roots appear. The rosemary was fresh so things look promising.  Perhaps that is considered a creative way to grow kitchen herbs!



P.S. What is your favorite creative venue? I have noticed that creative people are generally happier. That is a broad statement, but it does seem the people I meet who like to create are happy, smiling folks. Perhaps this is why …

“Whenever you feel good, you’re probably feeling increased levels of dopamine. A dopamine shower is any healthy effort that seeks to naturally and safely stimulate dopamine production in your brain and body. A way to [increase dopamine] is to do something creative or use imaginative thinking. This will engage the intuitive portion of your brain and can include anything from gardening to decorating a room – whatever engages problem solving or using imagination. It could also include art, cooking, sewing, flower arranging or playing music. Just engaging in these activities can [increase dopamine].”

-Fascinating Womanhood for the Timeless Woman

April 12, 2019 - 11:14 am

Ruth Dear Gigi, I would also love a tutorial on soap making. I’ve been given homemade soap, and I love it far better than store bought.❤ I echo what Nancy has said. I enjoy coming here for the peacefulness and for seeing a mom who’s serious about being a true homemaker. You do it so well, and you’re teaching your daughters to do the same. I come away blessed and encouraged! Thankyou!

April 8, 2019 - 3:50 pm

Gigi Kristal, good for you! I’m so excited for you! Everyone has to start somewhere so just jump in! It’s wonderful! My first garden was OH so small …. and then it just kept growing! Do let me know how things go.

April 8, 2019 - 10:32 am

Kristal Gigi, I love that you saved the rosemary sprigs! I would love a tutorial on how to make the soy candles. I would love to know your favorite combinations of scents. Also, I wanted to share that my girls and I are beginning our garden this week. Our seeds have arrived, as well as all of our seed starter accessories. You have inspired me so much to plant and grow your own fruits and vegetables. We are of course starting small this year (haha), but I am optimistically excited about the years to come!

April 7, 2019 - 3:29 pm

Lynnea Roses are so beautiful and stunning! Recently my husband brought me some yellow ones that are like bright rays of sunshine inside our home, especially on these rainy days we’ve been having.
We also enjoy the warmth and glow of a burning candle in the chilly, damp evenings ~ it adds such a loveliness about the room. It would be nice to learn to make them. Your soaps are very pretty, too!
This winter I enjoyed crocheting baby blankets using a “new-to-me” pattern, while listening to audiobooks by a favorite author. I also sewed a couple of flannel baby blankets using some basic quilting with large squares…it was fun to mix and match the fabrics!
Thank you for sharing your lovely posts!

April 4, 2019 - 5:27 am

Gigi Monica, you’re amazing! What kind of soap did you make?

April 4, 2019 - 5:26 am

Gigi Hello Linda – You have quite a few creative venues – that is great! Soap making is so rewarding, isn’t it? And it makes great gifts.
Gardening is so wonderful, allowing you to bring out all your favorite colours and scents in those beautiful flowers. Yes, carnation soap sounds divine!

April 4, 2019 - 4:42 am

Linda Hi Gigi, my favourite creative venue…??? its a hard choice between soap making, gardening and baking 🙂 They all bring me joy. I loved this post so much. Your soaps looked beautiful and I thought Lacies little soaps were just adorable ! I know my granddaughters would think these were so sweet too 🙂 I read some of the other comments and I also like the sound of Carnation soap ! I will have to try and find that fragrance.
Blessings to you ~ Linda (NZ)

April 3, 2019 - 5:27 pm

Monica Love this—such a great way to get your daughters interested and involved. Loved the pretty soap and the idea with the squinkies—so fun! Last night I noticed my kitchen table had on it seeds for planting, items for soapmaking, a bag with material and a pattern to be pinned on the material, so much creativity waiting to happen. And waiting and waiting! 🙂 This morning I discerned that Everett souls take a long nap and so I conquered the soapmaking! I had just poured it into the molds when he woke up. So I can check that off. So fun to be creative and “work with our hands”. I enjoyed reading about the symphony as well. 🙂

April 3, 2019 - 4:51 am

Gigi Nancy, thank you for your encouraging note! I very much appreciate it. 🙂
Okay, that is great to know you’d like a candle making tutorial – I’ll work on it.

April 3, 2019 - 4:50 am

Gigi Debby, that’s so sweet about your mom. I hope my rosemary roots well!
Embroidery is so pretty. I started a pillowcase at the beginning of winter but have not finished it. I kept tangling the string! I have some crochet projects on the go, as well. I would like to finish them before the true bustle of gardening season (as my hands are never clean enough to do find handiwork!). It sounds like you have a lot of creative venues in your life – good for you! My girls have made some homemade cards and we are going to do another card-making session soon. They are so nice to give to friends.

April 2, 2019 - 10:40 pm

Nancy Gigi, I have appreciated your blog so very much, and have spent many hours enjoying previous posts in the archives. It has been delightful to see your beautiful family grow over the years. Your photography is artwork as you capture the small, but beautiful and meaningful, moments in the ordinary activities of life. I also appreciate how your daughters (and you) always dress in a sweet and feminine way; it’s very uplifting. I have not commented before (I apologize for not expressing my appreciation much sooner), but when you mentioned “homemade candles” and “easy,” I wanted to say “yes, please!” to your offer to post a tutorial. Thank you again for the beauty, practical advice, and encouragement you share. Nancy

April 2, 2019 - 5:41 pm

Debby in Kansas, USA Where to begin! The soaps are just lovely. My best friend made me some for Christmas one year and scented them in Carnation, my favorite flower. I’ve been begging her to make more because I loved them so much!

I grinned over you taking the rosemary. My mom used to live in the Mojave desert in Southern California and all her shrubs were Rosemary! It grew like crazy in the desert. She was always cutting off sprigs for cooking, boiling to scent the house, or putting a couple in a cup in her car! It smelled so good.

I love all types of crafts but I probably embroider the most. I love to listen to a book on CD while I’m stitching. I also make all my own cards & sew a little. I pretty much enjoy all crafting and am willing to try anything!!