My Reading List

“I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading!
How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book!
When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.”
― Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice


The August rain was pouring down, my soggy laundry was being doubly-soaked while waiting limply on the line to dry in the hopes of a balmy afternoon, but the canning projects were continuing.


“I suppose you don’t have much time for reading,” my friend asked, as we worked on a canning project together.

I thought about it for a minute and the replied, “Actually, I have more time to read now than ever!”  In fact, there are about eight books I am working on right now.


Why, as a mother of eight and a busy home life, do I have more time to read now than in previous years, when I had less children, fewer chores and simpler household duties?

“Books are the quietest and most constant of friends;
they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.”
― Charles William Eliot




It is because I use my evenings to read before bedtime. Snuggling down in bed and reading a few chapters is much more relaxing than being on the computer or watching t.v. (that was not an option for me anyways). I also use an hour in the afternoon, if possible during nap times to have a cuppa tea and sit on the front porch and read a few chapters. It is a huge blessing to be able to be read! I don’t even want life to be too busy that I cannot have list of a good stack of books that are currently drawing my attention. My goal is to keep adding to our home library books that will encourage, inspire and teach.


A reader {Hello, Bobbie!} recently asked about my books that I may be reading right now, so I thought I’d post a few titles to share. Donna Otta, founder of Homemakers by Choice (now formally called Modern Homemakers), always said to have eight books on the go. Well, that’s me. I have a lot of books I am reading and it will depend on my day which book I choose to pick up and dig into.


What’s on my Bedside Table:


Marriage to a Difficult Man -this is not what it seems! A friend came by and giggled when she spotted this book cover on a coffee table. It is not an indication of being married to a challenging husband … instead,  a beautiful biography on Sarah Edwards and her marriage and relationship to Jonathan Edwards. I am only a few chapters in but am loving it. (More on this later!)


How to Shaping of a Christian Family – an Elisabeth Eliot book, so you cannot go wrong! I love, love, love her books – this book is encouraging and teaching as it explains how her family was shaped by her loving, devoted Christian parents. A very good book for all parents to read in regards to raising a Christ-focused family

The Hidden Art of Homemaking – by Edith Schaeffer – ohhhhh, I just **loved** this book! It was fabulous, absolutely fabulous. Yes, it’s dated, but sometimes dated books are the best because they gently bring us back to a time when podcasts, Pinterest and an easier life is not accessible. Do not let the title deter from reading it, if you think you are not into “homemaking.” It is more into the whole aspect of your life as a mother, wife and someones who manages a house.

Home by Choice by Brenda Hunter – this is  very important book to read. I am reading it slowly as it is something I feel very passionate and convicted about. In fact, my heart breaks when I heard of children left without their mother’s care for the majority of their younger years. It is not what God intended when He designated the family. Read and be encouraged or read and be convicted.


Be Your Own Doctor – I’m constantly reading this book, learning, seeing what I can do to make my family healthier. Sometimes I just refer to the book for an ailment that may be happening at that moment, but it is always handy. Let’s not forget the second volume, as well. Very good and very important to have in the family library.


This Victorian Life – a fun read, a living story of a couple who chooses to live their life as if they were in Victorian times. I have read her blog before and wanted to read her book. The author uses some choice words a few times (always surprising to me) and is obviously not a believer in Creation (evolution is mentioned and referred to) but an overall good read. Of course, I always love to hear about other people who may, perhaps, be living without modern features, such as a fridge or electric stove! 🙂

Luther & Katharina – now, I have just begun to read this book yet, but we are going to be doing a study on Martin Luther and his wife in September. We have already dipped into the testimonial life story of Katherina Von Bora – and she is one of my FAVORITE women in history.  I accidentally purchased this book – so I need to give it a good read. I absolutely LOVE the Katharina von Bora (another post, another story to tell) and LOVE her testimony, so perhaps this would be a good historical fictional read. The reviews are good, so we shall see. I will let you know!  I have not read a historical fictional book in a very long time.


And there are more books to come! But I will just leave you with a taste of a few … what books are you reading right now?


“You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture.
Just get people to stop reading them.”
― Ray Bradbury

August 24, 2018 - 8:54 am

Our Home of Many Blessings Hello! Ohhh, you should do more of these posts!!!…I have a couple of these and will be getting the others.I can’t wait to read them! I have just a huge lot of books and love them so. There all on exactly like what you have and I desperately seek out more of the old fashioned type of books. They are such treasures!…and if I stray away from reading and am getting wrapped up and frustrated with the world,I always pull out my very worn Debi Pearl books and Erin Harrison’s book-Living Virtuously… One is a kick in the pants kinda book and the other is a facing your me monster kinda book.Refreshing and so much Biblical Truth that I need….I can’t get enough! Anything from Miller to Mrs. Sharon White.I love them all….Thanks for your book suggestions.I can’t wait to dive into a new book!:)

August 24, 2018 - 5:05 am

Gigi Regina, that sounds like a great book. I have not read his books. I do love Nancy Campbell’s book so much, as well. I have to re-read a few of hers this fall, I think.

August 24, 2018 - 5:04 am

Gigi Debby, I love your book list! How fun! I love that you read your childhood books again. That is when you know it is a GOOD book and so well written! Adults should be enjoying such books! I find that is one huge blessing for homeschooling – I get to read or re-read all these wonderful books with my children. The girls & I are reading Cheaper by the Dozen and the missing Little House on the Prairie book right now (I am forgetting the title).

August 24, 2018 - 12:24 am

Regina I love books and I’m very discerning as to what I read. Currently I’m reading Through My Father’s Eyes by Franklin Graham. I would love to read The Hidden Art of Homemaking. I will read any book on homemaking. When I was many of your age I read many of Nancy Campbell’s books. She is one of my favorite Christian authors.

August 23, 2018 - 9:33 pm

Debby in Kansas, USA I always have several books going! Though I have no children, I read at similar times as you, Gigi. I read for about an hour after lunch, bedtime, and while dinner is in the oven and I’m waiting for my husband to get home. I’m currently reading the Kent Family chronicles series by John Jakes. Fictional characters but real history. I’m on the middle of the Revolutionary war. I’m also reading Beautiful in God’s Eyes by Elizabeth George. My bedtime reading is currently…..don’t laugh now!…Nancy Drew in Nancy’s Mysterious Letter. During the summer, I always hit my favorite books from my youth. I went through all the Laura Ingalls and Rose Wilder books in June and July so I took up where I left off last summer with Nancy.

I think I’m going to look up a couple of your titles. Thanks!

August 23, 2018 - 8:27 pm

Gigi Mine was a gift, but they are expensive. I believe it was purchased from a Mennonite company, which has now expanded to this website:

August 23, 2018 - 8:14 pm

Lauren Gillian, where did you get the Be Your Own Doctor book? Wherever I find them they are quite expensive.

August 23, 2018 - 1:24 pm

Gigi Sarah, your book recommendation sounds wonderful. I will look that one up.
I agree – hesitant to read modern fiction, indeed! As I said, I accidentally purchased it (thinking it was another book) so I am going to see … I have read two chapters and liked it so far. Let’s hope the romance is not inappropriate.

August 23, 2018 - 9:31 am

Sarah Thank you for sharing your current reading list! I am always interested to learn what others are reading. I enjoyed “Be Your Child’s Pediatrician” by Rachel Weaver, and it is a great reference book to have on hand. “The Hidden Art of Homemaking” is another wonderful book! I am currently reading “The Daniel Prayer” by Anne Graham Lotz. I have truly been inspired and challenged by this book. My current fiction read is ” A Face Illumined” by E.P. Roe, and I can hardly put it down at night! E.P Roe is a fascinating author from the 1800’s. I think you would enjoy his books. I will look forward to hearing your thoughts on “Luther and Kathrina”. I thought it looked interesting when it was first released, but I am often hesitant to read modern fiction.

August 23, 2018 - 7:59 am

Monica Ah, books! Dear to my heart, friend! I love the books you mentioned, just from the titles, as I have only read “The Hidden Art of Homemaking”… I currently am reading “Knowing God” by J.I. Packer, with my morning devotions. Before bed I am reading (again!) “Let Me Be a Woman” by Elisabeth Elliot and also “Little House Living” by Melissa A. Alink. It’s been a month almost since we have been to the library, so I’m going to request a few of the books you suggested. I can’t tell you what I would be right now, as a mother or homemaker, if the Lord hadn’t used books in my life to shape and mold me! ‘Tis true!
What have you been canning this week? I am going to put up pears this weekend as a nice elderly gentleman gave me three bucketfuls (in addition to what we already have on our trees!) and perhaps some jalepeno jelly! Hope your laundry got dry! 😉 Have a great day, Gillian! Another encouraging post!