Introducing Mervin…

For over  a year, our eldest daughter has been raising and caring for a few Polish hens. They are a funny looking chickens – well, that is an understatement. They are very funky looking! She first saw one a few years ago and noted how strange and cute they were all at the same time. We found a few chicks for her at the local chicken swap (yes, can you believe there is such a thing?), but sadly, they died within a few weeks. We found out they are not a hearty chicken, do not like the cold and are not very intelligent. Perhaps it is all those feathers in the way of their eyes? In any case, we waited till the spring and found two more chicks for her.


With great care, she has successfully brought them through the spring, summer, fall and hopefully they make it through this last leg of winter. They are her pride and joy.

We recently found them a rooster – hooray! Polish chicks coming soon?! If only they would start laying, we would have the cutest, funniest looking baby chicks for spring.

She introduced Mervin, her new Polish rooster, to her two-hen flock this week. So far, he is a very friendly rooster, allows Lacey to hold him and catch him easily and he does not seem to be too bothered by the other three roosters we have already with the other hens. And what hen – er, Polish hen – could resist that handsome face and incredible hair style?





Welcome to the barnyard, Mervin. Now it’s time to make some Polish baby chicks.

February 17, 2017 - 6:27 am

Gigi Regina & Chipmunk, yes, I think he is pretty cute in a strange way.
Sarah, what great memories of your childhood. I’m sure you will have fun adding those specialty chickens to your henhouse this spring. 🙂

February 16, 2017 - 3:14 pm

Regina Shea Mervin is such a cute rooster! I think it would be fun to raise chickens!

February 16, 2017 - 11:20 am

Chipmunk I **LOVE** polish chickens. They are so funny looking with the big pouf on their heads! Mervin is quite the stylish fellow!

February 16, 2017 - 11:17 am

Sarah Mervin is a very handsome rooster. When my sisters and I were teenagers we had four Polish chickens. Two Silver Polish, named Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet and two golden Polish, Heathcliff and Cathy. : ) They were adorable, but as I recall the roosters were quite often picked on my our stronger roosters (we had quite a few chickens at that time). Mr.Darcy ended up loosing an eye. I am hoping to add some novelty chickens to our flock come spring. We discovered a Mennonite farm selling specialty chickens last fall. I have been excited to return all winter!