Number our Days.

So teach us to number our days,
that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Psalm 90:12


Hearing a sermon this morning refreshed my heart and mind, reminding me that our days our short on this earth … this is our temporary home … and we need to number our days. Many of us have already lived the majority our life – some of us are half way. We need to live each day so that it counts. We have bit a short breathe of a life here on earth … are we spending our days, our little moments and our big moments, wisely?  Does my heart break for my lost relatives, who do not know Jesus? Does my life show as a witness?

I want to live with love and grace, patience and perseverance, showing kindness to not only the strangers that I meet but even within the walls of my own home. I want my children to know and love Jesus. Despite all my flaws and failures (which I have so many and daily have to work on them), I desire to have a home filled with peace and exuding Christ’s love.

Sometimes, in between piano lessons, homeschool math assignments, making another dinner, chasing goats and the odd chicken, pushing toddlers on the swings, braiding messy hair, setting out the clothes for Sunday’s church service, making sure everyone is clean and tucked in at night, reading hundreds of bedtime stories, stacking firewood, planning gardens, weeding gardens, raising children, taking care of a husband, staying up late to meet husband after his late work nights, getting up early to start the day with Jesus, it seems easy to forget that our days are numbered and that each moment with our family is a gift.



But this earth is our temporary home … our vision needs to be eternal in everything we do.
Death is certainly coming – so what am I doing with the life that I am living now?

Let me count the days so that I may live wisely.


May 15, 2015 - 11:38 pm

Teresa 6 beautiful daughters of the King

May 9, 2015 - 10:55 am

Erin Lynn Love the picture of the sisters together! So sweet, and thank you for the timely reminder.

May 8, 2015 - 7:02 pm

shelley what a beautiful portrait of all your girls! Your cup overflows! Such a beautiful family xo

May 7, 2015 - 11:40 pm

Melissa The timing of this could not Be more perfect!!
Beautiful girls!!