Grab Your Bible.

A magnificent, powerful storm rolled across the September sky late yesterday afternoon … the girls and I were sitting outside on the back deck, watching the cloud billows and darken, mentioning we thought the weather was about to change – when, suddenly, it did.


Crazy winds picked up quickly and the skies filled with black, blue and grey clouds , lightening began to flash across the sky… perhaps we should head indoors, I mentioned to the girls … that’s all I needed to say when a few of them began crying {I have a few girls who are terrified of storms after a summer of tornado warnings and local touchdowns} and running for the back screen door …

Crying tears and shrieking like little girls, they ran as a frazzled frightened group down to the dirt-floor old basement of our home … I tried to calm them, to reassure them it was not a tornado {yet} and that they were safe inside … when they finally came back upstairs after much bribing , I could see they were carrying something in their little hands … they were carrying their blankies and their Bibles.


I couldn’t help but be proud of them – they didn’t bring their favorite toys downstairs or their beloved pets.
Nor did they run downstairs empty handed in total fear.
They took those extra steps and brought their Bibles.


I couldn’t help but wonder – in the storms of life, what – and who – do I cling to? What do I use as my security?

Oh, let me learn from these little children – let me cling to the steadfast, wonderful Word of God.
What are you running to when the skies begin to darken? Calling up your friends, relying on your husband, spilling your feelings through a facebook vent, or silly temporary happiness will not calm your soul like Jesus can.
When the storm rolls in, let the first thing I grab be my Bible.

 “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

September 10, 2014 - 3:41 pm

Kristina Wow! How wonderful. You must be so proud of your lovely and wise little girls!

September 7, 2014 - 11:55 am

Roxana That is a beautiful life story and you should really be proud of your girls!