Small Things {with Love}

“We can do no great things,
only small things with great love.”
– Mother Teresa

 Recently, I was asked to help out in a local church setting to cover a need. .. I quickly found out it was nearly impossible to perform this task with little ones underfoot … but just because I may not be able to volunteer in one area or serve overseas in another, does that mean I cannot serve God? No, I can most certainly serve from home, with the children helping alongside … to still work for God but involve my family and work for God hand in hand with my children.


Together, Lacey and I spent the afternoon sitting on the covered porch, with the company of our crochet teacher/great grandmother, crocheting little blue and pink wool squares … squares that will make their way across the ocean, overseas … all the way to South Africa to help keep orphaned AIDS/HIV children warm during their winter nights alone.

Once we have completed a hefty stack of squares, we will send them to be knit together to create blankets for these beautiful children of God over 9,000 miles away through Knit-a-Square, a program so lovingly started to bring a hug in the form of a blanket to the 1.9 million orphans in South Africa. Knitters and crocheters alike, all across the world, may knit or crochet 8″ squares and send them to be sewn together to create bright, warm, love-filled blankets for the fatherless and motherless children who are left to battle a life-threatening disease on their own.



So, today, we crocheted. The rain fell gently, the middle sisters delivered homemade jam to a widowed neighbour, the faithful cat cuddled beside us and we crocheted.

Often I wish I could do more … I desire to serve in various ways but, this alone – crocheting our colored wool while praying for the child that will receive this blanket – is this not serving?  May this open our eyes to the plight of the orphans everywhere, may we feel sincere compassion and concern for children worldwide.  We may we not be so selfish as to only think of ourselves.



To see my daughter using this simple skill to help a child across the globe makes me hope one day we could do more, but for now,  it certainly gives a whole new meaning to our afternoons of crocheting together …

Will you join us? If you knit or crochet, you may follow along and send your 8″ squares. You can read more on their website and join their facebook page.


Let’s do small things with great love and see where God takes it.

June 18, 2013 - 1:11 pm

Writer Mom I total understand about not being able to help out knowing that we have little ones. How sweet to help out the children in Africa. I have a few crafts on one of my pintrest boards that I am patiently waiting to make. Stopping by from A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.

June 14, 2013 - 6:53 pm

Jenn You are definitely doing work for the Lord- even through this blog! Don’t’ let anyone let you feel like you aren’t. You have the hardest job in the world and you are doing AMAZING with it- and serving Him in the best way possible! There will be time, in the future, when our babies have grown, for serving within the church walls!