A Life Worth Living.


“Once she stopped rushing through life ….

she was amazed …

 … to see how much more life …

she had time for …”

{I cannot keep these two apart when naptimes are over … Lovelyn crawls straight into Leia’s crib and the party begins …}

{First Easter for Leia}

… Learning that my time spent within the walls of my family home is very precious,
that the moments spent holding the children, snuggling babies, looking for new teeth peeking up through gums,
reading to eager little ones as they sit on laps, listening to new readers sound out vowels while bigger sisters dive into wonderful chapter books,
discovering how many ears an owl has,
gluing on hundreds of feathers on paper birds,
time spent cooking together, peeling carrots and listening to their dreams and prayers,
crocheting together, splashing in muddy puddles, studying God’s word as a family …
this is a life worth living.
You may not see a worldly payment or recognition for this calling,
but your investment is eternal.
The world will battle for your time to rush you away- guard it wisely.

April 3, 2013 - 7:50 pm

Claire Love your post Gillian 🙂

April 3, 2013 - 5:31 pm

Annie @ Mariposa Forest always such lovely words Gillian! love the owl so much!

April 2, 2013 - 8:40 pm

Gillian’s Mom, Brenda I LOVED being a stay-at-home Mom! Best years of my life xo