Days of Old.

                                                                                                          “Remember the days of old; consider the generations long past.
                                                                                           Ask your father and he will tell you, your elders, and they will explain to you.”

Deuteronomy 32:7

We were just about to head out on a family field trip to a local museum, depicting life from the late 1800s and early 1900s … we were busily packing up the snacks and fruits, water bottles, and such when I heard the sounds of the piano keys …

I poked my head through the parlour door and there was [10 month old] Leia, oblivious to the mad dash to get out the door, stretching with all her might, up on tippy toes, to hear the sounds of the 130 year old piano keys …

This beautiful piano was passed down as a family heirloom from my great, great-uncle –  recently, it was a gift from my great-aunt Marie to our family … our girls [and myself] have been so incredibly blessed through this inheritance.  Two of the girls take piano lessons, I myself still love to play the piano and soon, a third sister will join in the music lessons.

Tomorrow, this same great-aunt is giving our family a Hoosier cabinet – also passed down through the years from an older family relative. I cannot tell you how excited I am to receive such a historical gift! My husband I both have a love of antique and old, vintage items … we cringe at new, modern items but adore anything old-fashioned, from a simpler time and something with historical meaning. But when the item comes attached to a family story, it is even more interesting and fascinating.

So grateful for the stories and historical heirlooms being passed down through the generations … I can’t wait to see what shape this cabinet is in and if we can, indeed, still make our homemade bread for our family with it.  What stories it could tell …

March 9, 2013 - 5:39 pm

Megan How funny is that? I am looking for a hoosier cabinet for our pantry…I am on the hunt…you are blessed to be getting one handed down, how special 🙂

March 8, 2013 - 1:46 pm

jenn Oh that is soooooo exciting!!! You are very lucky to be getting one!!!