History …

“These are real people with real emotions and real passions.
We do our real history a disservice when we think of them as only names and dates.
So we try to bring history alive…”

– H. Bidlack




Ah, the lovely month of diving back into the homeschooling routine. Clothes laid out for early morning academics. Snacks prepped. Lapbooks printed. And distractions (ie. rice bins which prove to be more work than not having them!!!) ready for the toddler in the house.


And yet, with this being our third year homeschooling, I am constantly amazed, bewildered and excited to see where our days take us. Together, we embark on a wonderful journey of education and I just love this ride that we are on! Some days it is messy. Truly messy. Other days it is hard. (yes, I know it’s only September!). Patience is something I have to work on. Other days it’s so much fun and there are giggles all around ….

It truly is exciting to see your children learn … and to learn with them …

This year, we’re studying Canadian history for a big portion of our history. We (I mean, I) dove into the study head first … and now I’m coming back up for a bit of air … it has been a very busy (wonderful) month …

We’ve visited Iroquois longhouses in First Nation’s villages …



explored …



went hiking in search of birch bark for the making of our canoes … (after reading Paddle to the Sea, the girls really wanted to make their own canoe…)





We had so much fun ‘hiking and exploring we brought daddy back for a second day …


… distracted by a cute little frog …



And where do the babies fit into this busy schedule? Lovelyn needs no help in catching up to her sisters. {Another awesome aspect to homeschooling –  learning, exploring & doing things together as a family and siblings, no matter how young or old.}


And Leia, well, she just comes along for the ride. Cuddles and sleepy hugs all day long. Lucky little girl.



….we cut he birch bark to form a canoe …


… stitching up the ends …


And yes, finally – finished!



and do they float?



Why, yes they do. Thankyouverymuch. {All the credit goes to Abby!}



The girls also made wampums …{even if it *was* with Ikea beads!}




We’re also reading The Sign of the Beaver, which led to making beaver dams …







And for me, despite any struggles that I may face, one of the best parts of homeschooling?


The little surprise love notes from your daughter, penciled in between the lines of her Language workbook.





September 28, 2012 - 7:06 am

Kelsey What%20a%20beautiful%20day%20it%20looks%20like%20you%20had!

September 28, 2012 - 7:03 am

Kelsey What a beautiful day it looks like you had!
Was this at Black Creek Pioneer Villiage?
I think my 3.5 year old would love this place!

September 27, 2012 - 9:16 am

Grandma Gerr What fun they are having while learning! xxxxx

September 27, 2012 - 7:54 am

Gillian’s Mom, Brenda WOW!!! Such a great blog to read, first thing in the morning! So proud of you Gillian (and Abby), these girls are loving the learning!! Best part of life … and to teach them about the First Nations is AWESOME!!!
I cried when I read the last part … and no wonder they love you!! You are their mentor and teacher and their MOMMY!! xo