Raise the Roof.

The love of learning, the sequestered nooks,
And all the sweet serenity of books.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

For the month of August, Lacey and I have committed to read quite a few books together. How many? As many as possible because the more we read, the more help we can provide all the way to Africa.

We’re not just reading for the fun of it.

We’re reading to help some little children all the way around the world.

For every page that Lacey reads, she will raise money from sponsors (aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.) through  “Read to Raise the Roof”. At the end of the month, we gather up the money raised and send it to Clubhouse Jr., where 100% of the money will be used in a orphan ministry outreach in Rwanda, Africa.

The money will build a kitchen to provide food for needy children … (How amazing is it that we have beautiful kitchens in our homes to provide our children with healthy meals three times a day? Let’s share that blessing.)

….build a workroom for older orphans where they can sew school uniforms for the children (because, you see, children can’t go to school in Rwanda without their own uniform and many, many children obviously can’t afford to buy them) … (going to school … what a privilege we all take for granted!)

….the money will help build a classroom for the children … (beautiful schools are scattered everywhere in our town, decorated with colourful posters and decked out with amazing variety of books … )

… and raise a roof  … building dorms rooms to give the orphans a place to sleep at night (so grateful for our family home – do we even think twice that we have a roof over our head?)


How simple of a task this will be and yet what a difference it will make in quite a few Rwanda orphans. My heart weeps for them. And I only wish I could travel with the money and deliver love and hugs to them at the same time.

Would you join us? We’d love it if you would and maybe you’ve been wanting to see your child encouraged to read more during this last month of summer … this is a GREAT way to begin!!

Here’s how you get started!!

August 6, 2011 - 8:22 am

Lauren We love Henry and Mudge too!

And my goodness, this is an amazing way to encourage kids to not only read, but serve others! I am so in on this, thanks for sharing it!