“Ah, there’s nothing like staying home for real comfort!”
– Jane Austen
The month of December, despite a few birthdays and invites out, is always a blissful month for our family. We gave up going here and there for fancy Christmas celebrations a few years for personal reasons and I have never been more grateful – instead of rushing about and feeling stress and anxiety of keeping up with schedules and what to attend or what to mail to whom … we are snuggled in our cozy home, finding moments for family games together around the kitchen table, movie nights on dark evenings, baking yummy treats in the warm kitchen to share with friends, listening to sermons from our favourite pastor (John MacArthur) and gentle non-demanding household chores that need to be attended.
It’s a rather peaceful time for us as a family of 11 – for which, I am so grateful.
We are also awaiting the new sweet baby – as quickly as this pregnancy has flown! I cannot imagine having 10 babies, but here we are, on the brink of a new chapter yet again. We have just a few weeks left before the baby will meet our family, Lord willing, and we will transition into a family of 12. A few more weeks of Luther being the baby (although not quite a baby anymore, as you can tell) and a few more weeks of anticipation.
Tonight, the weather report has forecasted our first December winter storm – I hope we are ready. Storms are a new thing for me – something we did not experience in Ontario (yes, we received a lot of snow, but not necessarily an Atlantic storm full to the brim with snow and high winds). I pray I have sufficiently covered my rose bushes, that the animals are adequately warm in their barn and hope for a healthy vibrant spring after this blanket of snow for the next few months … winter has arrived.
How is your December coming along?
by Gigi