Sing, Sing, Sing

“If you want a lift to your mood, raise a song up to the Father.”
-Amish Proverb


Amongst the busy-ness and regular noises of life, the sounds of chaotic strumming streamed down the hallway into my kitchen. Soon afterwards, the stubby little music maker followed, strumming his tiny guitar with great emotion and feeling. This little boy was truly enjoying himself as he made “music” this morning.

“Sing mommy,” my three year old demanded, as he sat on the kitchen stool, propped his little guitar against his knee and strummed away happily.  His stubby fingers held a quarter which he used with great zeal for his guitar pick.


My mind was busy – there is so much to think about and ponder over right now, isn’t there? — I was mixing up a recipe – and my thoughts were elsewhere … {aren’t we all thinking heavy thoughts at the beginning of this year?}

“You just play, honey, you play and I will work,” I replied, as I sifted out the flour required for the baking. I wiped my hands on my apron and turned around to retrieve some more ingredients from my stocked kitchen pantry.

“I will only play when you sing,” the little boy declared, furrowing his brown and eyeing me with a determined look. “Sing. Sing!”

Realizing this little man meant what he said, I reluctantly agreed …

“Okay, I’ll sing,” I replied, smiling at the little one while trying to think of a song that would fit with his unusual ‘chord’ patterns.


It was not long before the sounds of the guitar brought out my other son — soon, both of my sweet boys were ‘strumming’ {with a coin as a pick} together, filling the room with their innocent voices and interesting style of music. Their song of choice was “Jesus Loves the Little Children.”  My, their adorable singing warmed my heart and brought a big smile to my face!



Together, in that kitchen filled with flour and the smell of homemade bread baking, we lifted up our voices and our un-tuned instruments in praise to God.

And immediately, I felt better.  I felt securely drawn back into my safe world created within the walls of our home … a feeling of peace and joy radiated through my soul as I watched the tiny boys sing to a Mighty King.

Lifting up our imperfect voices and scratchy, un-tuned music together was like a healthy balm for my weary soul.

My heart was light. My thoughts about the outside world vanished.
I only needed to sing to the Father.

It is no wonder that our Lord directed His people to sing …


 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning:
for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble.

Psalm 59:16

Is any among you afflicted? let him pray.
Is any merry? let him sing psalms.

James 15:3





I remember reading about interesting singing facts in a book, such as singing is a natural anti depressant. How fascinating!

Here is a simple list to encourage you to sing with your children:

                  Singing Benefits:

  1. Boosts your immune system.
  2. Releases stress.
  3. Benefits your heart.
  4. Increases your energy.
  5. Improves your memory.
  6. Fosters clear thinking through correct breathing.

Our family absolutely loves to join in with other families for hymn sings. It is amazing how an hour of singing beautiful hymns can be so uplifting in so many ways. Everyone enjoys it, even the little children. We all look forward to our hymn sings! And apparently, there is a good reason we all enjoy our group hymn sings, as listed here. Yes, that says group singing lowers your stress hormone and alleviates anxiety and stress.  Singing together lessens the feeling of depression and loneliness. Isn’t that wonderful?!

When is the last time you sang in a group? Have you ever hosted a hymn sing in our home?

Please … raise up your voice and sing … it will be a healing balm to your soul. And if you visit our home, don’t be surprised if we pass out the stack of old hymnals for a group sing together.




February 12, 2021 - 12:14 pm

Diane Love these pictures! Your boys are adorable, and I love the overalls! Music is is one of the best things to learn in life, that they can still do someday in their old age.

February 8, 2021 - 11:19 pm

Teresa Your post reminded me of one of my favorite Bible verse: **Ephesians 5:19 (kjv) Speaking to yourselves Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs,singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; A lovely post ~ take care and stay warm!!

February 2, 2021 - 8:30 pm

Lynnea Just the sweet, gentle reminder I needed…as soon as I finished reading this I got out our hymnal and sang ~ and the burdens rolled away……blessed peace.

February 1, 2021 - 5:54 pm

Gramma Cardinal Love ir! Will send Auntie a pic! xxxxxxxxxxx

January 30, 2021 - 5:53 pm

Gigi Kim, I’m so glad it was encouraging. God bless you.

January 30, 2021 - 2:45 pm

kim I needed every word you shared today! Thank you so much for that encouragement. <3