Canning Hamburger Soup

It is Monday already – and while I have some writing in the works, again, I thought I’d share a quick video of my morning. The girls were busy hanging our garlic up to dry in the shed – the house is somewhat quiet and the soup was ready to be canned.

Did you try your hand at canning anything this past week? I would love to hear from you.





 ~ Hamburger Soup ~

Approximately 8 lbs of ground beef

5 onions, chopped
8 garlic cloves, minced
2 litres of tomatoes
(canned, chopped, however you choose)

a dash of salt to taste
4 cups diced carrots
4 cups diced potatoes
a handful of chopped celery

Prepare your vegetables in a large stock pot, but do not over cook. Your soup will be cooked fully in the pressure canner and if you do not want mushy vegetables, then you only need to gently cook up your soup before you can it.


Pressure can for 60 minutes at your proper weight. I used 10 lbs of pressure.

When you heat your soup to serve, add some barley or lentils for extra bulk. {These cannot be canned.} This will make a delicious hearty meal for your family this fall or winter.

** Edited to add: A question about the shelf life of canned goods … here is a good article about shelf life.


P.S. Here is a link for the Fly Lady’s purple rags. I would love to get the pink ones, but I have to wait as shipping to Canada is very expensive. Last year, a friend visited Florida and brought me back my shipment of purple rags. I stocked up as I just love them! They frequently go on sale and that is the best time to purchase them – and guess what? They are on sale  (buy one, get one free – so you actually receive six rags in total) right now … so if you were thinking of getting some …. maybe this would be the perfect time!


August 21, 2019 - 5:55 pm

Rebecca I’m loving your little videos! And I’m totally gonna can up some of this soup, it looks amazing!

August 21, 2019 - 5:32 pm

Danessa stride I love your videos, it is so nice to see the face and hear the voice of the lady behind all those posts, lol. They are wonderful!!

August 20, 2019 - 2:26 pm

Teresa @ SF Another great video…I am looking forward to your written post as well. Do you write out each post on paper before posting? If so, that’s a great idea.

August 20, 2019 - 8:29 am

Monica Great video!! You have the skills, my friend! 🙂 What lovely soup and what a lovely “canner”. I’m enjoying the videos! ❤️

August 19, 2019 - 10:31 pm

Kristal I am loving the videos! This was really helpful. Your tip on using vinegar is so smart. I’m curious, when you can something with meat, what is the shelf life? I’m sure for your family, you probably go through everything you can yearly, but for those who maybe don’t, does it last awhile? Take care!

August 19, 2019 - 10:24 pm

Rachel I saw the purple rag from the previous video and was wondering if those were FlyLady’s rags. Haha! I recently discovered her and have implemented certain aspects of her routines. Many great ideas and inspiration there!
You remind me of another blog I miss…StrangersandPilgrimsonearth.
As for canning soup, I have a canner and the cans, I only need to plan my method of attack lol.
Thanks for another “lovely” video 😉

August 19, 2019 - 10:02 pm

Gigi Jen, thank you. That is so wonderful of your husband to build those shelves! Now is the time to get started. Peaches are here, you can still find local blueberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans … so much available!

August 19, 2019 - 9:15 pm

Jen Seriously love these posts!! And love hearing a voice to your words! I canned some peaches last year but have been wanting to do so much more. My husband built me beautiful wooden shelves- and now I just want to fill them with canned goodness. Thank you so much for sharing!! I am a visual learner so this is so helpful!!