Spring Cleaning {Feathering Your Nest 💕}

“The homeliest tasks get beautiful if loving hands do them.”
~ Louisa May Alcott



Our Ontario April has been cold, full of snow and ice, but … it is still SPRING … and warmer temperatures are coming soon!

The cooler weather has not stopped us from doing some good ol’ fashioned SPRING CLEANING (my favorite!) and planting some seeds for the family garden (also a favorite!). In fact, the drop in temperatures has meant we are able to spend more time indoors and manage to clean a few pesky areas that needed some cleaning attention.


My personal goal is to do one extra chore every day. While I still have my regular chore and tasks at home, if I try to clean at least one extra area every day, I just feel better about the day. Perhaps it is like a constant Spring Cleaning cycling through the house …


For example, yesterday, while the girls were playing outside after school, I cleaned out the master bathroom drawers, the utensil drawer in the kitchen. The previous day, I cleaned out three pantry shelves, repainted and stocked them back nice and clean.

Spring Cleaning … do you attempt it? I feel as if the art of homemaking and cleaning is lost in this new generation. There is joy in cleaning your home, however, and there should be a feeling of peace as you look back over your home, tidy and neat. Oh, how I love a good cleaning! I’m not very great at organizing yet (I am working on it) but I do love to clean – something I probably inherited from my very clean, very organized, very orderly mother. ☺ She is much, MUCH more organized than I will ever hope and dream to be, but at least I can enjoy my cleaning sprees!


Last week, I posted a list on the fridge for all the girls and I to see. Each day, we pick one item to cross off on the Spring Cleaning list. So far, we have cleaned all the upstairs windows and sills, cleaned out the boy closet, tidied the girls’ closet (but it is a constant problem with six girls getting their clothes, etc.) and I even cleaned the master closet (the place where all the extra “no home” items end up).

We still have much to do – this week, I hope we can get to the downstairs windows and tidy up the rock border that lines the flower beds around the home (once the snow melts!).

Whenever there is a sunny day, I pull down some curtains and begin washing the curtains, as well. I just LOVE hanging the laundry on the line outside! It is so fresh and clean smelling! There is NOTHING like it. I have not used a dryer in four years, but even line drying inside is no comparison to hanging your laundry outdoors in the fresh air.

When the sun shines, I have noticed a dingy film over our kitchen walls from the cookstove. I do think that will be my Saturday chore this weekend – scrubbing down the walls in the kitchen. Our old home needs some baseboards washing, as they very dusty, especially from the woodstoves …{update: I was able to scrub down all my kitchen walls today before breakfast as I got up extra early to get this task done! A blessing indeed!}

The family vehicle needs a good spring cleaning, as well!


{homemade dishwashing soap – it is much gentler on my hands.
We wash all our dishes by hand.}


Just for fun, I thought it would be a good time to list my favorite cleaning materials:


Fly Lady purple rags – these are truly the best cleaning rags and I just LOVE them! They do everything … clean windows, wipe all surfaces, wash dishes, clean walls … the list is endless.  I have even given these rags to friends as friend because I love them that much! I have tried to find cheaper rags elsewhere but never has anything come close to these lovely purple rags. 

Norwex window rags – I have not had to buy paper towel in years. We have used these window rags for three years now and they are just fabulous. I usually wipe down with the Fly Lady purple rag and then dry with these Norwex window rags.

Norwex Mop – My mother had this mop but did not use it. She gifted it to me, which was a HUGE blessing. I just love this handy mop. It works so well and it’s easy to use.

All Purpose Miracle Cleaner – my favorite household cleaner right now. You can use whatever essential oil pleases you, so you can adjust it to the season and your mood. Right now, I am using Rosemary to boost the cleaning powers. It is just lovely. Sometimes I add tea tree oil or lemon. Both oils are amazing and have powerful cleaning abilities.

Here is the recipe:

Add 1/2 cup of Borax to 2 gallons of warm water. Add a tablespoon of dish soap and 1/4 cup of vinegar. Mix well. Add essential oils of choice.

Borax: that lovely box of cleaning powder, is really a miracle cleaner – I always make sure I have a few boxes in the store room for the household cleaning. I have read that it is possible Borax was possibly used even in Bible times! As it is a naturally occurring mineral, from what I gather, it is completely safe and healthy to use in your home and for your cleaning products. It can be used in toilets, on carpets, to make homemade laundry soap and scrub showers.


Homemade Powdered Laundry Detergent

1   Fels-Naptha  or Linda soap bar
1  Cup – Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda*
½  Cup Borax

-Grate soap or break into pieces and process in a food processor until powdered. Mix all ingredients. For light load, use 1 Tablespoon. For heavy or heavily soiled load, use 2 Tablespoons. Yields: 3 Cups detergent. (Approx. 40 loads)

I will make up a big batch and store it in some glass jars I have found at local thrift stores.

At the end of a cleaning spree, I love to sit back and admire the wonderful job. Nothing has to be perfect but it should be clean. I also think this teaches my daughter the value in keeping a clean home!  One thing I have noticed with my sweet, precious grandmother is that no matter where she lives – whether it was a trailer, mobile home, apartment or house – she had it sparkling clean and welcoming. I never saw a speck a dust in her home! I truly believe a clean home is a welcoming home. It should not matter whether you live in a fancy house or a modest home, it is your job to keep it clean! With this large family of mine, we need to stay on top of the cleaning. Our regular chores are done daily – our extra house blessings are done as needed. And our home is FAR from perfect. I will get one room clean and then before I know it, another room needs a deep cleaning. That is life, I suppose, but we will continue to clean and see the fresh blessings!

When you have finished your extra task for the day, sit down, pour yourself a cuppa tea and light a fresh scented candle. Enjoy the the fruits of your labour!


To be… discreet, chaste,
keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands,
that the word of God be not blasphemed.
Titus 2:5



April 23, 2018 - 5:02 pm

Gigi Ohhh, I like the sounds of that book! I might have to put it on my wish list. I browsed online through it this morning – it looks fantastic!

April 23, 2018 - 5:01 pm

Gigi Milessa, I understand! My hands are the same, as well … I have heard that dry hands also is related to lack of vitamin D. My dishsoap is truly simple as I make a batch of homemade soap and then grate it to make liquid soap. In this last batch, I had some soap that did not harden well, so it made perfect dishwashing soap. I add lemon or tea tree oils to the soap as I am washing the dishes. It is much milder than store bought and without any chemicals. My homemade soap is made from coconut oil & palm oil so it is very gentle on hands.

April 22, 2018 - 9:08 pm

Milessa I just want to say, thank you so much for sharing with us. I would also like the dishwashing recipe. My hands have taken a beating this cold winter, any little good change is so needed. Hope you guys have a wonderful week. Milessa

April 22, 2018 - 8:51 am

Monica Hi, Gigi, I loved this post and the wonderful photos. I definitely enjoy cleaning and have found what works for me is “here a little, there a little”. What I do is write all of our rooms on a scrap of paper, cut it into strips and put it in a bowl. When it’s deep cleaning time, I will draw out a “room” from the bowl and that is the room I work in cleaning, organizing and purging. I usually do three rooms a week until they are all done. I guess it’s the kid in me that enjoys the “surprise” in seeing what room I have picked from the bowl.. This week I was at my daughter’s violin teacher’s house waiting on her to complete her hour lesson and I picked up A book off of her bookshelf to read while I waited. It was “Mrs. Dunwoody’s Excellent Instructions for Homekeeping”. I wondered if you have read it. When I saw your post I was reminded of that book. I really enjoyed the old fashioned perspective on cleaning and the schedule that she used back in the late 1800s. Such a delightful read!

April 21, 2018 - 5:39 pm

Katy I love spring cleaning! We have been working to get our home spring cleaned as well…although the weather has been a bit depressing! I love to line dry our clothes but only do so when it is nice out…I have some clothes outside right now actually! I love line dried towels especially….I like the scratchy feel when I get out of the bath! 🙂

I love to use Borax as well! We have a claw foot tub and I like to use it in there to give it a good cleaning! I used to make my own laundry soap…but now that I have a high efficiency washing machine I haven’t looked up if it works in those machines or not?

All your photos are just lovely! The flowers make my heart sing! I love fresh cut flowers in my home! I Just wish they lasted longer! 🙂

Norwex clothes are amazing! I don’t have the mop…but I have many of their other cloths and they are just fantastic! 🙂

I hope you and your family are having a lovely weekend and week ahead! 🙂


April 21, 2018 - 11:59 am

Gigi Bobbie, thank you for your sweet words!
Yes, it was great fun to kick the dryer – so to speak. I stopped using it when we moved in to our home and finally asked hubby to remove it to the garage so I could have the space for storage instead. I line dry inside by the woodstove. I hang up the clothes when we go to bed and they are dry by the morning. It is a great winter system, saves money, humidifies the house and saves the clothing! Plus, because I do it nightly, it is not too bothersome or in the way.
For the cleaner … I use a smidge of pink dishwashing soap! Yes, I put it into spray bottles.
Yes, I use the laundry soap on everything! I have for years!
Regarding stiffness from the line, we have learned to get used to it! I have tried vinegar but it does not really make too much of a difference, I found. Nothing like fluffy towels from the dyer, sure, but it is even better to have line dried fresh-smelling towels, I think! No chemicals!

April 21, 2018 - 9:00 am

Our Home of Many Blessings I love love love when you share homemade goodies!! I would love to kick the dryer, and have hung my clothes and such on the line for years. Theres nothing like hanging back up your curtains from being outside on the line! What do you hang your clothes on inside the house?Do you have a trick for the stiffness that you might get in certain clothes,jeans,or towels?Also I am making that homemade detergent for sure! Do you use this recipe on everything including cloth diapers,baby clothes,delicates,etc.? How did you make your homemade cleaner pink?Its so lovely! Do you just pour it into spray bottles when you need some?Would you share your dish soap recipe also?…PS…Im so glad your back!

April 20, 2018 - 7:58 pm

Gigi Kristal, thank you for your encouragement. I agree – hard copies of information is the way to go!

April 20, 2018 - 5:51 pm

Kristal I love your recipes! After your website crashed I learned I can’t rely on Pinterest to keep my recipes safe. My goal this month is to write out all my favorites on recipe cards to store safely. Thank you for continuing to share. I’m so glad to see your blog up and running safely again!