Making Beet Kvass [a super tonic]

The humble beet has made its way onto our dinner table so much more frequently since growing our own vegetables. Root vegetables are typically simple to grow and I am happy about that.

In previous years, beets just brought to mind pickled beets, something I am not too fond of. However, a simple dish of steamed or boiled beets is delicious and a beautiful addition to your family’s vegetable menu. So when I was planning out our winter vegetable rotating menu, I knew beets would be added. They are delicious, oh so healthy and, well, yes, they are rather pretty, aren’t they?


Once again, looking at this simple root vegetable will amaze you – as God packed it full of  sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorous, vitamins A and C, vitamin B3, and fiber.  Beets boost the immune system and they are high in folic acid and folate content [which makes them wonderful food for pregnant women and those who hope to become pregnant]. These beautiful beets have also help prevent heart disease, stroke, and, yes,  even cancer.


So when a friend showed me her beet kvass fermenting away on her counter *and* told me how healthy it is, I knew it was something that would soon end up in our ‘medicinal cabinet’ option. I’m rather new to fermented foods but this one was very simple to make.

If you don’t know about beet kvass, you can read more information here and here. Loaded with probiotics and incredible health perks (see above listed), it is an easy tonic to swallow. It does not taste bad either. 🙂  This fermented drink originated in Russia and I have often read it was considered the “miracle of Russia”. Beet kvass, which can help with chronic fatigue, morning sickness, kidney stones, heart burn and more, is definitely a drink all families should have in their diet.  [This kvass will flush out toxins in your body so start your dose slowly until your body adjusts.]

To make your beet kvass, simply chop 3-5 beets up in large pieces (not too small – leave them chunky).
Place in jar.
Add 1/4 cup of whey to the jar – but if you do not have whey, that is fine. The ferment will simply take a bit longer.
Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt.
Fill your jar with non-chlorinated water.  Make sure the beets are sumbermged under the brine.
Cover your jar with a tea towel or place in a warm, dark location. Leave at room temperature to ferment for a few days. If you have not added whey, you may need to wait a few extra days for the fermentation.
Remember to “burp” your container or it could explode! Simple release the gas each day but quickly opening the lid.

Once it has reached the taste you prefer, strain and put your kvass into the fridge. You may re-use your beets to make a second or third batch of kvass, so don’t be too quick to toss them away!


Drink a little each day – give some to your children – tell your husband how good it is for him – before long, your entire family will be taking a little beet kvass daily. With a long cold winter at our doorstep, it will surely boost up their immune system.


November 22, 2016 - 12:22 pm

admin No, you can leave the peels on.

November 21, 2016 - 9:39 am

MC Do you peel the beets before you put Them in th water?

November 19, 2016 - 5:50 am

admin Sure, Jen! I’ll put together a list. It’s not too complicated but I could see how starting out, it would be hard to know where to start. I should have posted a list of what I use but will try to put that together today. You will have fun canning. 🙂

November 18, 2016 - 7:31 pm

Jennifer Heemskerk Hey Gillian,
This is so neat! I was trying to comment on your provision room post with this but was wondering if you could tell me what canning equipment you use? Brand name of the pot etc…I have been searching online for a canning set and have found a few but then the reviews always make me a little weary. Do you have any tips when purchasing the canning/pressure cooker?