Herbal Remedies {for Babies & Adults alike}

Little Lazarus had a fever a few days ago … it was his first (thankfully) and it was not severe, but enough to make him unhappy. Poor thing … I don’t think it was teething but perhaps it could have been. I have never had a baby teeth this early so I have my doubts – but in any case, he did have a fever.

The two herbal remedies I decided to use with him are one of my favorites in the herbal pantry: rosehip syrup and a chamomile tincture.

“{For teething}, I also offer Rosehip Syrup.
My Grandmother always had this handy for when a friend or relative had a teething infant.
Rosehips are loaded with Vitamin C which also boosts immunity and helps the body overall while it is preparing for new teeth. A child’s immune system could be lowered due to the effects of teething and it is important to not forget the immune system.”

-Sharon Hubbs-Kreft, Herbalist

Making rosehip syrup is just the same as making elderberry syrup

To refresh our memory in making the syrup, here are the directions from Rosemary Gladstar’s book:

1. Add 2 oz. of rosehips to 1 quart of water. Over low heat, simmer the liquid down to one pint. This will give you a very concentrated, thick tea. 2. Strain the herbs from the liquid.  Compost the herbs (or feed them to your hens!) and pour the liquid back into the pot.
3. To each pint of liquid, add one cup of honey (or any other natural sweetener).
4. Warm up the new mixture of honey/sweetnerer and rosehip tea. Only warm it long enough to be mixed well.
5. Remove from heat and bottle your syrup. It will keep for months, if refrigerated.

Rosehips will help calm your baby, plus they are loaded with Vitamin C – key for building the body’s immune system and helping the body fight to stay healthy.  I only needed to give Lazarus a few drops and but it seemed to help him rather quickly (within the hour or so). You can use the rosehip syrup as a simple way to increase your Vitamin C intake – you can use it creatively – try drizzling over yogurt or adding it to your tea. This morning, my oatmeal was much tastier with a simple spoonful addition of the Rosehip syrup.

The second remedy is one of my favorites – chamomile tincture.


Chamomile is soothing and can calm an upset baby, help bring on sleep and ease stomach pains.  The tincture is not just for babies, however. It will help with migraines, relax frazzled nerves, ease PMS symptoms, IBS, ulcers, skin irritations and will boost your immune system overall. What a great tincture to have on hand!

A tincture is simply a liquid extract made from herbs and taken by the mouth. Tinctures are incredibly handy when you or someone in your family falls ills. They require about six weeks to create so it is best to think ahead and prepare the tinctures you believe would be most used in your home.

Tinctures are very simple to make. All you need is your herb of choice – in this case,  chamomile –  100 proof vodka, a mason jar and boiling hot water.

Fill your jar with your halfway with herbs and pour hot water to cover the herbs. Fill the rest of the jar with vodka until the herbs are completely covered. Cap, label and allow it to sit in a dark location for 4-6 weeks. The alcohol draws out all the vitamins and health benefits from the herb. The tincture will last indefinitely but  it is wise to date your tinctures on the labels so you have an idea of when it was created.

Only two to three drops is needed to help soothe a fussy, feverish baby …

If you are concerned about the alcohol used to extract the herbal properties, rest assured, it is safe. I have read there is actually the same amount of alcohol in a tincture dosage than a ripe banana.

{If still unsure regarding the use of alcohol, simply pour boiling water over your tincture dosage and drink when cooled. The alcohol will have mostly evaporated and very little will be left in the solution.}

Here is my chamomile tincture I made last season (on the left) – and a new tincture in the making. You will only need 2-3 drops for a young baby under six months, whereas an adult dosage would be two droppersfull {please. use your own responsible judgement}.

If you have purchased tinctures or thought of using them for your health, may I encourage you to make some of your own at home.
They are easy to make, simple and incredibly effective.

April 21, 2016 - 1:08 pm

Erin Lynn Totally love your posts on herbal remedies! And I always love pics of you and your sweet babies. I have used herbals with my kids, including tinctures. We have had excellent results. Thank you so much!